Guide to the Top Newspapers in the World

How many sitcoms and movie scenes have depicted the wisest members of society enjoying their morning coffee with a newspaper in hand?

For many, the act of reading one of the best newspapers each morning is a simple act that allows them to stay abreast of current events. From the arts section to world news to the economy, the top newspapers in the world are a great way to stay informed.

Many wonder how they can tell which print companies offer the best newspapers. How reliable are their sources? Can you trust the newspaper reviews that they provide?

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Award Emblem:  Top 6 Best English Newspapers

In an attempt to make sure that you can enjoy your newspaper over a cup of steaming coffee, we compiled this simple ranking of the top newspapers around the world. From the United Kingdom to India, the top world newspapers all have a unique history that readers should know.

If you’ve been wondering which newspaper company you should get a subscription to next, you’ll be pleasantly surprised with any of these top newspapers.

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AdvisoryHQ’s List of the Top 6 Best English Newspapers

List is sorted alphabetically (click any of the newspapers below to go directly to the detailed review section for that newspaper):

Top 6 Best English Newspapers | Brief Comparison & Ranking

Best Newspapers

Circulation Area

Subscription Price

Chicago Tribune

United States

Starts at $1.99 per week

The Guardian

United Kingdom

United States



$6.99 per month

The New York Times

United States

$9.75 per week for seven issues

The Times of India


$3.00 per month

The Washington Post

United States

$12.25 per week

Wall Street Journal

United States

$99 per six months

Table: Top 6 Best Newspapers | Above list is sorted alphabetically

What Should You Know About the Newspaper Industry?

Newspaper companies have been printing the current events of nations around the world for centuries. The first newspaper ever printed on a weekly basis originated in Antwerp in the year 1605. Since then, newspapers have become an important part of our daily lives even as the industry has hit a decline.

top newspapers

Image Source: Pixabay

As of 2015, the majority of people who were still regularly reading the top newspapers were mostly seniors (50%). Young people (aged 18 to 24) accounted for only 16% of the readership when it came to print newspapers, with a slightly higher percentage in the next age category (17% of those aged 25 to 34).

Pew Research has also demonstrated that the newspaper companies as a whole are on the decline. Weekday circulation has fallen 7% over the past year with Sunday circulation falling almost as much at 4%.

Even the workforce behind the best newspapers is rapidly dwindling, with a 39% decrease over the past two decades.

The amount of time that consumers are spending investigating the contents of the top newspapers is short. Daily time spent reading the newspaper per capita in the United States is just fourteen minutes.

On the whole, all of these statistics demonstrate a not-so-shocking fact about the future of print media. It seems that with the rise of the internet, consumers are no longer as interested in reading the print copies of the top newspapers in the world. While it was once a time-honored tradition to read the newspaper over a cup of morning coffee, it seems to have fallen by the wayside.

Regardless, these time-tested top newspapers have persevered through the years to present current events and economic indicators to society day after day. Find out more about the history and status of these top newspapers in the world in our review sections of each below.

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Detailed Review – Top Ranking English Newspapers

Below, please find the detailed review of each newspaper on our list of top newspapers in the world. We have highlighted some of the factors that allowed these best newspapers to score so highly in our selection ranking.

Chicago Tribune Review

The Chicago Tribune is one of the best newspapers in the United States, with origins all the way back to its first issue in 1844. They feature breaking news segments related to business, politics, and city life as well as foreign affairs.

During their last circulation surveys that were released back in 2014, there were more than 450,000 readers taking in some version of this top newspaper in the world. This figure represents both the print and digital versions of the publication.

Key Factors That Led to Our Ranking of This as One of the Top Newspapers in the World

See more of what allowed this English newspaper to fall into the category of the best newspapers around the world today in the review section below.


The history of the Chicago Tribune makes it one of the most revered newspapers in American history. At its very beginning, these best newspapers were a leading anti-slavery publication that helped to get Abraham Lincoln elected. As time went on, this newspaper company focused on advertisements and contributed to the growth of Chicago after the Great Chicago Fire.

According to their newspaper reviews, they also were the first to present some aspects of the newspaper as we know it today, including:

  • A Sunday newspaper full of features and advertisements
  • First paper to have a reporting staff on Capitol Hill
  • Published first full color photograph


The Chicago Tribune newspaper company presents their current affairs in a way that is affordable to most consumers who need cheap newspapers. You can gain access to their daily edition, as well the digital version of the newspaper for just $2.99 per week (for 26 weeks with no commitment).

Consumers who only read the newspaper on Sunday can save significantly, with their one-day delivery and digital version for $2.49 per week. The eNewspaper only subscription is just $1.99 per week for access to their top newspapers on your computer or mobile device.

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The Guardian Review

The Guardian produces a publication for both the United Kingdom and the United States. They also manufacture lesser-known works for Australia, as well as international versions.

According to some sources, readership of The Guardian has surpassed even that of The New York Times. More than 50 million readers check into this top newspaper each month to stay abreast of world events.

Key Factors That Led to Our Ranking of This as One of the Top Newspapers in the World

Perhaps most recently recognized for its Pulitzer Prize-winning articles based on Edward Snowden, this English newspaper is home to some of the most popular current events articles in the world. What else is there that allows The Guardian’s English newspapers to rank as some of the best in the world?


The very first issue of this top newspaper in the world can be traced back to May of 1821. Originally published under the title “The Manchester Guardian,” the location was eventually dropped in order to present the cleaner title of today’s age. By 1855, this best newspaper was being published on a daily basis for a minimal price of just 2d.

Of course, over the years, this English newspaper has held a number of important firsts that revolutionized the newspaper industry:

  • First national newspaper to hire a readers’ editor
  • United Kingdom’s first full color national newspaper
  • First UK national newspaper to adopt a mid-size format


While many of the articles from this top newspaper are available online for free, they still require funds in order to run their operation. For those who enjoy their reading of The Guardian and cheap newspapers, they ask that you consider becoming a supporter for just $69 per year or $6.99 per month. Supporters receive:

  • Welcome pack, card, and gift
  • Access to the premium tier of the app with crosswords
  • No advertisements on the app
  • Regular member emails

United Kingdom citizens can become a supporter of this newspaper company for the low monthly fee of £5.

The New York Times Review

Considered by many to be the most popular newspaper to circulate in the United States, The New York Times has a long-standing tradition of being a reputable news source. Consumers turn to it with regularity, producing over 30 million unique visitors to their website on a monthly basis.

Key Factors That Led to Our Ranking of This as One of the Top Newspapers in the World

The New York Times has been a place to turn for American citizens to get news of current events for centuries. With no plans to change, these best newspapers have an extensive history and great subscription pricing that labels them one of the best newspapers today.


The New York Times was first released in September of 1851, with the idea that they were going to continue to release it daily for the foreseeable future. It was originally released as a “penny paper” to get away from sensationalism and focus on the real events that were happening in the world around them.

Since their inception, The New York Times and its writers have been awarded countless Pulitzer Prizes. In 2016 alone, two stories from a compilation of staff writers were awarded this prestigious honor for their work on the migrant crisis and lives of women and girls in Afghanistan.


While many of their articles are available online for free, many consumers still prefer to view the newspaper in the formats they have grown accustomed to. Availability depends on your area.

Pricing in the northeast could be as low as $9.75 per week for the full seven issues each week. Consumers who prefer just a weekend edition can opt for Friday through Sunday issues of this top newspaper for $7.00 weekly.

Digital subscriptions give you several options, with the Basic plan costing just $2.75 per week. For access to the crossword and other optional features, you can enjoy the All Access plan for $3.75 per week.

The New York Times - best newspapers

Image Source: Pixabay

The Times of India Review

The Times of India offers a unique perspective when it comes to the top English newspapers included on our ranking. Once established in India when the British were in authority, it has since become a very popular read among all English newspapers. It has a readership that rivals many of the top world newspapers at 60 million readers of the Times Internet (the online version of the paper) each month.

Key Factors That Led to Our Ranking of This as One of the Top Newspapers in the World

Besides its massive readership and unique perspective on events, what qualifies The Times of India as one of the leading newspapers around the world? Find out more about how it got its start and how it operates now in the detailed review section below.


The Times of India has over 175 years of reporting experience, now focusing mainly on the digital aspect of its reporting. According to newspaper reviews from the Times Internet, they are a “long-standing leader” in terms of English newspapers. They also happen to be advancing into other multimedia platforms, including radio, television, magazines, and more.

The Times of India is the world’s largest English newspaper, but they also own several other popular brands:

  • Economic Times (India’s largest financial daily newspaper)
  • Femina (India’s largest women’s magazine)
  • Filmfare (India’s largest English film company)
  • Radio Mirchi (India’s largest FM radio network)


Many of the articles from this best newspaper are available on their website for free. However, if you prefer to receive the digital copy of The Times of India on a regular basis in the traditional format, you can sign up for a digital subscription and enjoy one of the cheap newspapers.

American users can expect to pay $3.00 per month for unlimited access. An annual subscription offers a slight discount at $20 per year.

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The Washington Post Review

The Washington Post is one of a handful of English newspapers that can boast readership that rivals all of the top media outlets. Beating out Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, and even The New York Times, The Washington Post had more than 890 million page views per month in records from the previous year. One of the most highly-circulated publications, The Washington Post is certainly a great contender for one of the best newspapers.

The Washington Post - top newspapers in the world

Image Source: The Washington Post

Key Factors That Led to Our Ranking of This as One of the Top Newspapers in the World

Besides its high readership, what qualities allowed us to rank The Washington Post as one of the top newspapers in the world today? Certainly its lengthy history of providing excellent journalism and its subscription pricing played a factor in it.


The Washington Post is one of the top world newspapers, and it has a long history behind it. It was first printed at the very end of the year 1877 at just three cents per copy for a four-page publication. Over the years, it changed hands a number of times but remained a solid competitor among newspaper companies.

When the Watergate scandal broke out, English newspapers scrambled to get the story. The Washington Post was one of the first top newspapers to break information regarding the government’s scandal during this time.

Currently owned by Amazon.com founder Jeffrey Bezos, this top newspaper is still issuing news through their digital and print publications.


There are several pricing options available for consumers who would like to get a subscription to this best newspaper. In fact, you can opt for a print publication or access to the digital subscription in a number of ways:

  • National Digital Edition: $9.99 per four weeks
  • National Digital and DC edition: $14.99 per four weeks
  • Sunday Newspaper and Digital Edition: $2.65 per week
  • Daily Newspaper and Digital Edition: $12.25 per week

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Wall Street Journal Review

Consumers who value the financial insights on the United States economy (and even the foreign markets) tend to value the opinions of Wall Street Journal. This publication has been in circulation for more than 100 years. With a high readership and a loyal audience, this is easily a prime choice for one of the top newspapers in the world.

Key Factors That Led to Our Ranking of This as One of the Top Newspapers in the World

Besides its unique beginnings as one of the English newspapers that covered only business principles and economic indicators, Wall Street Journal has a long history and deep popularity among readers. Find out why it’s considered to be one of the best newspapers in the detailed review below.


Wall Street Journal printed its first issue in July of 1889, designed to focus primarily on business and economics. Its unique coverage is part of what drew readers to the publication and earned their loyalty, even as it started to expand in years to come.

From the very beginning, Wall Street Journal was a popular choice among English newspapers. With the addition of the digital edition of this top newspaper in the world, it became one of the largest circulating newspapers in the United States. As the years passed, Wall Street Journal became associated with several popular sister publications, including:

  • Barron’s
  • Far Eastern Economic Review
  • SmartMoney
  • Wall Street Journal Europe
  • Asian Wall Street Journal

Since its inception, this best newspaper has earned over 35 Pulitzer Prizes, many stemming from journalism pieces on the September 11th attacks and corporate scandals.


Much like some of the other best newspapers, consumers now have the choice between a digital subscription and a print publication. Pricing varies, though it is one of the few English newspapers that prices them very similarly:

  • Print publication (6 days per week, access to WSJ.com, the mobile apps, and more): $99 per six months
  • Digital subscription (Unlimited WSJ.com access, tablet apps, mobile apps, and more): $99 per six months
  • Combination of the two: $111 per six months

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Conclusion—Top 6 Best English Newspapers

Staying abreast of current affairs is critically important for most consumers today. With the internet making it easier than ever to find current events, the top English newspapers can sometimes seem a thing of the past. However, the internet presents its own set of problems.

It can be difficult to know where to turn for valuable and reliable information. These top newspapers have withstood the test of time and are highly regarded for their journalistic integrity. If you need one of the best newspapers and most reliable sources of intel, these English newspapers are bound to be a great fit for you.

Consider opting into the digital subscriptions of one of these best newspapers. You can find all new routines that both help the newspaper industry survive and keep you better informed in world affairs.

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