Intro: Brooks Review | What You Need to Know about Brooks Running Shoes for Men & Women

Finding the right running shoe is a critical process. Any serious runner will tell you that every component of the shoe is vitally important, from the density and quality of the sole to the ventilation of the material.

With so many brands of running shoes to choose from, it can be difficult to settle on the right one.

Luckily, Brooks reviews from physical fitness experts and enthusiasts can offer valuable assistance.

With an established reputation for excellence in running performance, a Brooks review is a good place to start in order to determine whether Brooks running shoes are for you.

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The “Run Happy” Campaign encourages Brooks customers to keep positivity and fun as crucial elements in their running lives. Image Source: Brooks Sports

For many years, Brooks running shoes for men and Brooks women’s running shoes have been widely praised and recommended as the best running shoes. Our Brooks review will attempt to determine whether this claim is true.

While our Brooks shoes review provides a comprehensive overview of Brooks running shoes for men and women, we hope to also answer the following questions:

  • How did Brooks become successful?
  • Why are Brooks running shoes reviews consistently positive?
  • How are Brooks running shoes manufactured?
  • What is the best Brooks shoes review for men & women?

While many Brooks reviews focus simply on a few of the best-ranked Brooks shoes, our Brooks review will look at the company as a whole. Our Brooks review looks at the past and present successes — and failures — of this company as important in understanding the brand, and especially in creating a thorough Brooks shoes review.

After looking at the company itself, this Brooks shoes review will also focus heavily on what sets Brooks running shoes for men and Brooks women’s running shoes apart from other brands. This will involve taking an in-depth look at the actual process of making running shoes.  This Brooks review will also examine how various examples of Brooks running shoes reviews can help determine value.

By addressing these questions, our comprehensive and thorough Brooks shoes review will provide a credible and truthful representation of Brooks running shoes. 

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How Did Brooks Become a Successful Athletic Company?

Brooks was founded in 1914, originally producing ice skates and cleated track shoes. It wasn’t until the 1970s that Brooks truly found success by producing running shoes. Jogging became a national pastime, sweeping across the nation with dizzying popularity. The small, Washington-based company began manufacturing running shoes, and the resulting Brooks running shoes reviews were wildly positive.

Soon after their entry into the market, Brooks reviews were naming them “The Best Running Shoe Ever Made.”

In fact, by the late 1970s, the typical Brooks shoes review was so overwhelmingly positive that Brooks was ranked in the top three running shoe brands across the country. Of Brooks running shoes for men, the Brooks Chariot was named “the most worn shoe in the industry.”

Dave Kayser, professional museum curator, recently decided to honor this golden age of athletic wear, erecting an exhibit for vintage running shoes, and featuring the 1976 Brooks Vantage.

Amidst all that success, Brooks diversified their product line, expanding into basketball, aerobics, and baseball. Unfortunately, with heavy competition from Nike, Brooks suffered huge setbacks.

Brooks didn’t have the stamina to compete across a wide array of athletic products. Creating and marketing athletic apparel, accessories, and footwear outside of the running niche was too much. Fluctuating ownership and poor management also contributed to a lack of organization.

Current CEO, Jim Weber, explains the company’s past decline, saying, “We used to play the game that Nike has perfected and we were not successful.”

While Brooks women’s running shoes and Brooks running shoes for men were once incredibly popular, Brooks running shoes reviews were steadily dropping by the 1990s. What ultimately saved Brooks was a revolutionary change to their marketing and to their product.

Changing Vision and Brand Direction for Brooks Shoes

As a company, Brooks decided to focus only on running shoes and abandon other athletic wear. Instead of apparel and additional athletic pieces, the brand would be built by molding their shoes to biomechanic profiles. Their brand success would be built around scientifically analyzing the structure of the foot. This would become the centerpiece of their brand vision and integrity.

As a company, this shift in focus helped propel them into the forefront of the extremely profitable athletic shoe industry. With the Brooks market share only 11% behind Nike, Brooks certainly has come a long way from their once-humble roots.

Today, Brooks has left diversification in the past and has kept their focus on serious runners. Marketing Brooks running shoes for men and Brooks women’s running shoes focuses solely upon age brackets of 35-55, encompassing the most dedicated runners. They win multiple running shoe awards each year, and in 2013, Brooks hit $500 million in sales.

Brooks not only provides high-quality running shoes, but they also link runners to important resources. Brooks strives to create a supportive and friendly community of writers through their runner’s blog. Through the Brooks athletes program, Brooks sponsors athletes of all competitive levels and helps bring their running passion all around the world. Brooks also awards inspiring coaches and offers incentives for product testers, helping to create a more accurate Brooks review from clients and customers.

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Why Are Brooks Running Shoes Reviews Consistently Positive?

A typical Brooks review for their running shoes is incredibly positive. Part of identifying why this is means identifying what sets Brooks shoes apart. Many runners trust running shoe review outlets for expert opinion before purchasing. A customer looking for a Brooks shoes review is likely to find a wealth of compliments.

The Healthy Feet Store applauds Brooks running shoes for men and Brooks women’s running shoes as “the most technologically advanced athletic shoes on the planet.” The specialty magazine Runner’s World consistently lists Brooks as one of the top choices for running shoes. Online commentator Running Shoes Guru has called the Brooks Pure line “one of the best running shoes we have ever tried.”

With consistently positive Brooks running shoes reviews increasing annual sales by 34% in two years, Brooks has pioneered the manufacturing of running shoes. These overwhelmingly positive Brooks reviews stem from the successful integration of what Brooks CEO Jim Weber calls “biomechanic profiles.”

These specialized features set Brooks running shoes apart from their competition and drives consistently positive Brooks reviews.

What Does a Brooks Biomechanic Profile Entail?

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Every part of a Brooks running shoe is specially designed with biomechanics in mind. Image Source: Brooks Sports

Creating biomechanic shoes means that each shoe does not simply allow you to run; it enables you to run better, faster, and longer. Each component of a Brooks running shoe is designed to align with your joints, hips, bones, and muscles in some way or another. Brooks lists the following features as being core components of their process of creating specially engineered, biomechanic running shoes:

  • 3-D Fit Print

Brooks employs screen-print technology to engineer the structure of each running shoe, maintaining flexibility and lightening the weight of the shoe.

  • Guide Rails

To offer additional support, Brooks running shoes have an extra layer to help guide hips, knees, and joints while running.

  • DNA Midsole

This is a tailored cushioning system that will constantly react to factors like weight, pace, stride, and running environment.

  • Rounded Heel

The heel on Brooks shoes is rounded and slightly reduced, so that you are putting less strain on your ankle.

  • Segmented Crash Pad

By having fully separate, yet fluid segments, the crash pad provides cushion and a more efficient heel-to-toe motion.

If that seems like a huge amount of focus to put on the physical process of running, think again: Brooks has even more. We don’t have time to include a detailed overview of everything in our Brooks shoes review, but here’s a quick list:

  • 3-D Hex Lugs
  • Ideal Pressure Zones
  • Ballistic Rock Shield
  • Nightlife
  • Super DNA

With an intense focus on keeping a runner’s body healthy and efficient, it seems as if positive Brooks reviews are well-deserved. Adhering to a strong company ethic of keeping the runner’s body in mind, Brooks certainly continues to earn each positive Brooks review.

Best Brooks Shoes Review for Men and Women

brooks running shoes reviews

Just another day at Brooks headquarters in Seattle, Washington. Image Source: Brooks Sports

When considering the best Brooks running shoes for men and the best Brooks women’s running shoes, there are plenty of Brooks reviews to take suggestions from. If the intense focus on integrating biomechanics into their shoes is succesful, then Brooks running shoes reviews should reflect that focus.

Innovative shoe technologies, overall popularity, and affordable pricing help drive positive running shoe reviews, and Brooks reviews have similar elements.

The best type of Brooks review comes from personal running experience. RunRepeat takes reviews from thousands of runners who offer their personal review of more than 25 brands of running shoes. In a list of the 22 best running shoes for 2016, 10,397 runners chose to give a Brooks review.

The top-rated Brooks shoes review, which generated nearly six hours of written commentary and an overall average score of 90, is the Brooks Launch 3.

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The highest rated Brooks shoes review for men and women is for the Brooks Launch 3. Image Source: RunRepeat.

RunRepeat took bits and pieces from every Brooks shoes review they received and created a brief list of commonly reported positive and negative aspects of the Brooks Launch 3. The most positive comments from both men and women throughout the Brooks review were:

It seems as though Brooks’s focus on creating biomechanic running shoes certainly pays off when looking at this particular Brooks shoes review. In fact, even when looking at different models, the most commonly reported positive elements of a Brooks shoes review tend to focus on biomechanic enhacements.

Men and women runners alike have all heaped praise on this particular model. By looking at these Brooks reviews, we can further determine what each Brooks shoes review says about the brand itself.

By and large, the Launch 3 has been deemed one of the best Brooks running shoes for men. One Brooks shoes review says that the Launch 3 “looks great, feels great, and most of all it gives a great performance while making you feel secure about its durability.”

brooks womens running shoes

The Brooks Launch 3 is one of the top Brooks women’s running shoes on the market. Image Source: RunRepeat

For women, the Brooks Launch 3 is also the most popular choice. One particular Brooks review for the best Brooks women’s running shoes praised the Launch 3 as “a lightweight cushioned trainer with a smooth and responsive ride.”

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Conclusion: What to Consider From Each Brooks Review

As a company, Brooks certainly puts forth a lot of effort to ensuring that runners are healthy and comfortable. In fact, they have staked their entire business plan on the sport of running, abandoning all other markets to focus on serious runners.

For over a century, Brooks has dedicated itself to helping serious runners revolutionize the sport of running. Integrating biomechanics into each and every shoe is a big part of keeping runners healthy and comfortable. Nearly every single Brooks review finds a way to praise these biomechanic additions.

If you are looking for a running shoe that can combine form, fit, and function, then every Brooks review seems to point to Brooks as the preferred choice for serious runners. With these biomechanic engineering advantages, Brooks running shoes offer:

  • Durability and versatility
  • Longer and more comfortable running experiences
  • Superior methods of support through biomechanics

True to their promise, Brooks running shoes deliver superior running shoes for both men and women. As a result, Brooks reviews come in from satisfied runners across the country.

It seems that the truth about Brooks running shoes for men and women is that they are made solely with the runner in mind. Every decision made within the manufacturing process is done to increase running comfort and health. Brooks is truly a company concerned with promoting and supporting the serious runner in everyone.

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