Staging a House for Sale: What You Need to Know

If you watch home improvement shows on television, you’ve likely heard the term “home staging.” Although it can seem like a daunting task for homeowners who are already stressed from trying to sell their house, staging your home is an integral part of making the sale.

Imagine the homes you would consider buying. Do you prefer the ones with clutter and design very personal to a family? Or would a home feel more inviting with a more neutral design and a clean, organized space?

The homeowners of the latter have likely used staging companies or did the work themselves. And, from staging a home, these homeowners are likely to see an 8% to 10% return on investment of their staging costs, which average about 1% to 3%.

staging a house

House Staging Guide

That’s a significant difference in price that they can sell their home for, simply by staging furniture in a way that makes a home feel new to prospective buyers. Staging a home for sale creates an open palette for buyers to imagine themselves in.

But, is staging a house difficult? How much does staging a house for sale cost? Is it better to use home staging companies or do it yourself with the help of virtual staging software?

This guide will answer your questions about staging a home this year and provide valuable home staging tips to make the process go as smoothly as possible for you. 

See Also: How to Sell Your House | Guide to Selling Your House Yourself

Ready to Sell? Tips for Selling Your Home

When you consider selling your home, you likely get flooded with tips for selling your home from friends and family. Although some are probably good pieces of advice, others may not be necessary.

The best tips for selling your home involve tried-and-true methods that streamline the process and give you the best return on investment. In other words, tips for selling your home should get you the most money for your home with the least stress as possible.

Staging your home to sell is one of the best tips for selling your home, according to real estate blogger Teresa Mears. Staging furniture is one of the best ways to define spaces for prospective buyers so they can see themselves in the home and have a clear purpose for each space.

Other important tips for selling your home include:

  • Price it right. Instead of trying to ask for more than your home is worth, price it right from the start. At the very least, you will get what it is worth. However, the best case scenario will be that you get several offers, with some higher than the asking price. The more competition, the better.
  • Declutter. This comes as part of staging a home and is one of the best home staging tips. Buyers do not want to enter your home and see a mess. Provide organization and remove anything that is unnecessary. Your space will look bigger and be more inviting.
  • Focus on the kitchen. According to HGTV, the kitchen is the most important area to focus on when renovating or staging a house. If you are going to do renovations, do it there first. On average, sellers usually see about an 85% return on investment for the money they put into their kitchens.
  • De-personalize. This is another excellent staging a home for sale tip. It may be difficult to take down personal items like family photos and knickknacks, but it can be difficult for buyers to imagine your home as theirs if all they see is your belongings.
  • Provide flexible showing days and times. After preparing and staging a home, you need to be flexible with prospective buyers. You want as many people as possible to have a chance to see your home so you can get more offers.

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What Does “Staging a House” Mean?

Now that you know some of the best tips for selling a home, you should know why staging a house continues to be at the top of the list for best tips for selling a home. What does it mean, and why is it important?

Many sellers think that staging a house for sale simply means decorating. Although you may add some décor to your home, home staging tips involve much more than just decorating.

Instead, staging a house is the process of making a home more attractive to potential buyers. Home staging tips will differ between houses. Some homes may simply need a good declutter, fresh coats of paint, and strategic furniture arrangements.

Home staging tips for other houses could involve all new furniture and décor, outdoor landscaping, or even new siding for added curb appeal. The extent of staging a home depends on your specific home and what sells in your neighborhood.

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Why Is Staging a Home for Sale Important?

Just a couple of decades ago, staging a house for sale was never mentioned as one of the best tips for selling a home. So why is it important now?

According to the Real Estate Staging Association, homes that have been staged spend 73% less time on the market than homes that have not been staged. This is, perhaps, because staging companies specifically stage homes to look professional and desirable, especially for online listings.

With more homes being listed online than ever before, staging a house before it goes online can dramatically increase its appeal. Staged homes typically cause buyers to request less fixes from sellers than unstaged homes.

And, if you want your home to sell fast, take into consideration some home staging tips. Studies have found that staging a home can result in your home staying on the market for only one month or less, which is less than the average of about 50 days.

What Costs Are Associated with Staging Your Home?

If you have decided that staging a home for sale is the best route to go, you need to understand some of the costs associated with home staging. It is important not to adhere to home staging tips that will cost you money beyond your means, since you may not get your full investment back.

staging a home

Staging a Home

First, consider whether you will be hiring home staging companies or doing the work yourself. Home staging companies can take the burden off you if you do not feel comfortable with the design process, or simply do not have the time for staging a home yourself.

However, staging companies can charge anywhere between $500 and $5,000 or more, depending on your area, the number of rooms you need staged, and the extent of work. This is in addition to the new furniture and décor you may need to purchase.

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If staging companies simply are not in the budget, you absolutely can focus on staging a house yourself. Here are some of the fixes you may need to make and costs associated with home staging:

  • Curb appeal. You may need to do something as drastic as residing your home or putting in new sidewalks, or as simple as some new flowers or trimming the hedges. Either way, boosting curb appeal is one of the most important home staging tips, since this is what buyers see first.
  • Cleaning. You will need to deep clean your home. Nothing should go untouched when staging a home. Clean floors, windows, furniture, appliances, etc. You may need to consider a professional cleaning company if you can’t do it all yourself.
  • Organization. Staging your home involves decluttering your house. If you find that your home does not have enough storage, you may need to invest in extra storage options, like shoe storage or closet organization.
  • New furniture. Staging a house does not always equal needing new furniture, but it can. If you have mismatched furniture or pieces that are too large for a space, investing in new pieces can make your home look more put together.
  • New décor. One of the most important tips for selling your home to remember is taking out personal touches before you show it. So, you may need to purchase some new décor to take the place of family photos or other personal décor items.
  • Storage unit. If you have a lot of items and furniture to remove when staging a home, you may need a storage unit to store them until you are ready to move. The average 10 x 20 storage unit costs about $100 per month.

Staging a Home with Virtual Staging Software

If you decided to cut some costs by staging a house yourself, you might consider using virtual staging software. VisualStager is one of the most popular options for this type of software, used by homeowners, real estate agents, and professional home stagers alike.

With a virtual staging software, you will likely pay to use it. However, the cost will be much lower than paying home staging companies, and you will be in complete control over the design.

VisualStager, for example, uses a credit system for pricing. Each photo you stage, which will be for one room in your home, costs 10 credits, or $15. The more credits you purchase, the less you pay. If you have 10 rooms in your home, for example, you can use the virtual staging software to design them all for $99.

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How to Choose Staging Furniture When Staging a House

Staging software can absolutely help you stage your own home. But, how do you choose the right staging furniture when staging a house?

Fortunately, your staging software can help you choose the type of design and furniture you want before you even make a visit to the furniture store. With staging software, you can see what type of furniture arrangements, paint colors, or décor options will work the best for staging a home with minimal costs.

home staging tips

Tips for Selling Your Home

If you are looking at staging a house for minimal costs, choose from a library of thousands of furniture options in the software. Choose a couple of pieces you think will transform a space, and head to your local furniture store to see options in a similar design.

Furthermore, since decluttering is one of the most important home staging tips, you can see what your space will look like with less furniture and décor. Bedrooms should remain simplistic, for example. Consider downsizing your bed and using a neutral color palette for walls and bedding.

If you cannot afford any new furniture for home staging, you are not alone. Use your virtual software to find new ways to arrange your current furniture for a more inviting feel.

Alternatively, you can remove all furniture from your home and rely solely on your software for staging a home. Come up with a few designs for each room for your real estate agent to show to prospective buyers so they can see the potential for each space.

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Conclusion: Tips for Selling Your Home and Important Home Staging Tips

It is evident why staging a home has gained such massive popularity in recent years. Not only do buyers have more potential to see themselves living in a staged home, but sellers can benefit from faster sales and higher returns on investment when staging a house is done correctly.

Although staging your home is one of the most important tips for selling your home, it can be extremely costly and time-consuming. You will have to move things out of your home, deep clean, shop for new items, and move them in. A staging company can take the stress out of the job, but it also comes with a hefty price tag.

Staging a house simply is not for every seller. However, the benefits may far outweigh the costs in the long-term. If costs are a major concern, consider using a virtual software to help you stage your home.

You can use the software to help you design your space on your own, or turn a blank slate into a potential design to show prospective buyers.

Before you stage your home, research the best home staging tips and trends. Talk to your realtor about suggestions. Ultimately, remember that you are in control of your home and have the power to decide if staging a home is the best financial choice for you.

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