Guide: Tips to Finding Part-Time Jobs That Match Your Interests and Skills

It can be easy to want to pass up part-time job vacancies because you think part-time work will not provide you with the income, stability, or relevance you need to stand out in your industry the way a full-time job will.

In some cases, this is true about working part time. However, six million people prefer getting a part-time job over a full-time job.

Why? Most people feel that finding part-time jobs offers a sense of flexibility that full-time jobs do not provide.

Part-time employment can create a good work-life balance, allow people to continue their educations or pursue their passions, or pick and choose their next job more easily.

finding part time jobs

Good Paying Part-Time Jobs

Still, finding good part-time jobs can be just as difficult as finding full-time jobs. Part-time job vacancies can fill up fast, since they are so desirable, especially by teenagers and young adults.

Part-time job opportunities should also be taken just as seriously as full-time jobs. Looking for a part-time job is a very similar process, in which you should remain organized, diligent, and professional.

There are several helpful tips that can help you find good-paying part-time jobs, as we will present in this guide. These tips will help you find part-time jobs that match your interests and skills, so you can excel at your position and find part-time work that you love.

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Pros and Cons of Part-Time Employment

One of the biggest draws to working part time continues to be its convenience. College students often seek part-time employment that allows them to continue their scheduled classes, while making some extra money in the evenings or on weekends.

Interestingly, many non-students are beginning to seek part-time job vacancies. People may see their parents or other family members stuck in a career with little flexibility or time for things they enjoy, and they are choosing to break free from the mold.

Others join the part-time work force of about 8.6 million people who need to work a part-time job to make ends meet, financially. Part-time jobs with benefits, especially, can be a good way for parents to make some supplemental income for their families.

In contrast, part-time jobs with benefits can be rare. Full-time jobs typically have the edge on part-time jobs in terms of offering benefits, like health insurance, retirement plans, vacation or sick pay, or even bonuses.

Part-time employment also does not typically offer consistency. Schedules may fluctuate, making it difficult for employees to plan ahead. Additionally, part-time workers may be the first to get laid off, over full-time employees, if a company suffers a financial setback.

Is It Possible to Find Part-Time Jobs with Benefits?

Part-time jobs with benefits are rare, but that does not mean they do not exist. Although you may not find that your local businesses offer benefits for part-timers, getting a part-time job with benefits is possible with some larger companies.

For example, Barnes & Noble bookstores offer vacation, holiday, and sick time to those workers with part-time employment of at least 6 months. JPMorgan Chase has extensive healthcare coverage, childcare assistance, and other part-time work benefit packages for those working at least 20 hours per week.

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Learn Where to Find Part-Time Jobs

Part-time job opportunities can be found in much the same way as full time jobs. But, it can take a bit more strategy and digging to find businesses that specifically hire for part-time work.

Looking for a Part-Time Job in Your Town

Often, good part-time jobs can be found no farther than in your city, town, or even your neighborhood. If there are local businesses you frequent, those are some of the best places to start with, since you already have a vested interest in them.

Consider purchasing a newspaper subscription so you can be the first to know when good-paying part-time jobs in your area open up. You can also check on Craigslist, which updates anytime someone posts a new job in your area.

Another excellent resource for finding part-time jobs near you is Facebook. Look for local Facebook groups that post local jobs, and follow your favorite local businesses. Those who are active on Facebook often post new job openings once they are available.

Looking for a Part-Time Job Online

The Internet has become a top resource in finding jobs, and looking for a part-time job has never been easier with filters and advanced search features on job search websites.

The following websites offer some of the easiest job searches for those seeking good part-time jobs:

These websites work similarly in that you can use the search features to find the type of job you are interested in. Then, you can filter down your results to find part-time employment only.

part time employment

Good Part-Time Jobs

Some websites will even let you narrow down part-time work further, such as by pay rate or desired shift. You may even be able to find part-time jobs that you can do online. FlexJobs is an especially good resource for online work.

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Use Relevant Skills to Find Good Part-Time Job Opportunities

One of the most important things to do if you are interested in getting a part-time job is to think about your own skills, interests, and experience and how you can use them to your advantage when working part time.

Say, for example, you are very creative and can brainstorm ideas at the drop of a hat. But, you do not know how this skill will translate on your resume for a part-time employment tutoring job you are interested in.

You need to think of how your specific skills apply to the part-time job vacancies you are interested in. In this case, how does creativity apply to tutoring?

Being able to come up with new ways of teaching that tailor to the specific needs of your student is an excellent quality to have, and one that you should be proud to share on your resume to find part-time jobs tutoring.

You can also use your skills and interests to aid in looking for a part-time job. They can help you narrow down your search as you field through listings, especially when searching online for part-time work. The better a job’s fit for you, the likelier you are to get the job.

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Create a Memorable Part-Time Work Resume

It is just as important to have a resume for finding part-time jobs as it is for finding full-time jobs. To find good part-time jobs, you should focus on creating an outstanding resume that can be tailored to different part-time job opportunities that you are interested in.

Your resume can significantly increase your chances of finding part-time jobs, but only if you create one that highlights your skills and experiences well, and make it engaging from the start.

In fact, 1 in 5 employers have already made up their minds about a resume before they are finished reading it all. Half of them will reject your resume for part-time employment simply because you do not stand out from the pack.

If you are interested in getting a part-time job, it is important to focus on your resume before you begin applying. The following are a few helpful tips when creating your resume for good-paying part-time jobs:

  • Objective. Your objective should be tailored to the goal of working part time.In addition to explaining your interest in a particular job, you should make it clear that you are seeing part-time employment only.Be specific in your objective, and be sure to include why you want the job.
  • Highlight yourself. Your resume for finding part-time jobs needs to stand out. So, you have to find ways to highlight your best skills and experiences in unique ways.If you have some experience or skills that relate to the job you are applying to, put more emphasis on those. 
  • Contact information. Make your contact information easy to find on your resume. Consider using your social media contacts as well, for ample opportunities for employers to get in touch with you.However, you may not have luck finding part-time jobs if your email address does not look professional.Consider creating an email address that uses your name for your part-time work search.
  • Cover letter. Cover letters are not always necessary for finding part-time jobs, but they definitely cannot hurt.In fact, they may help you stand out from the rest of applicants who do not have one.A cover letter shows your personality while also showing an employer that you are serious about getting a part-time job.

    A cover letter should include a brief overview of your specific qualifications, how you can be an asset to the job, and how you heard about it.


Prepare Yourself to Find Good-Paying Part-Time Jobs

After you sent out your resumes and applications for part-time work, your work is not over. As you wait for part-time job opportunities to come knocking, there are a few things you can do to prepare yourself for callbacks.

First, ensure that you have a working voice mail on your cell phone and that your email address is working properly. These will be the first methods potential employers use to get ahold of you for part-time employment.

Also, keep a list of all of the part-time job vacancies you applied to. It can be difficult to keep track of them if you applied to several, and keeping an organized list with the application date, the name of the business, and the phone number will help you be able to follow up later.

Finally, make yourself available for interviews when finding part-time jobs. If applying in person, be prepared to have some time set aside for an on-the-spot interview, if offered. Keep your schedule as open as possible so you can be available for an interview, should an employer call you for one. 

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Ace Your Interview for Part-Time Work

It is time for your part-time work interview. What can you expect?

Most interviews are generally similar in that potential employers want to get to know you on a more personal level to make sure that you will be a good fit with the company.

To find good-paying part-time jobs, you need to be professional, honest, courteous, and motivated in order to stand out against other applicants.

First, start with your appearance. Your potential employer for part-time work will have already gotten a first impression of you as soon as you walk in, based on your appearance and the way you carry yourself. Dress nicely and be courteous to anyone you come in contact with.

part time work

Interview for Part-Time Work

Before you arrive at your interview, be sure to bring your resume and references, just in case the employer does not have it handy. Also, bring a notepad and pen to jot down notes about the part-time work position, if necessary.

You can also benefit from preparing yourself before your interview for part-time employment. Consider quizzing yourself with some of the most common interview questions to help you prepare your answers:

  • Why do you want to work here?
  • How will you deal with customers who have had a bad experience?
  • What is your reasoning for finding part-time jobs?
  • How would you describe your own work pace and ethic?

Practicing these and other common interview questions will help you improve your communication skills and make you feel more prepared as you go into your interview.

Follow Up with Part-Time Employment Interviewers

When finding part-time jobs, you do not want to seem desperate, but you also do not want to come across as uninterested. It is a fine balance that can overwhelm job seekers, but follow-ups to interviews and applications are extremely important when seeking part-time employment.

Many professionals recommend sending a thank-you note within 24 hours after an interview. This can be either handwritten or emailed, which mostly depends on the type of job. You can use your best discretion to decide whether to handwrite or email your note.

Then, it is time to wait for a follow up on your application or interview. When you applied or had your interview for part-time employment, the employer may have mentioned a specific deadline by which a hiring decision would be made, like one week.

If so, make sure you wait as close to that deadline as possible before calling back about the part-time work position. Calling too early can make you seem pushy and that you do not care to heed the instructions of the employer.

When it is time to follow up on working part time for the company, you can call or email, again depending on the industry and type of job. Remain courteous and kindly ask whether the employer has made a decision, while reminding them that you are still very interested in part-time work with the company.  

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Conclusion: Guide to Finding Part-Time Jobs

Finding part-time jobs has become a more simplified process in the last few years, thanks to the Internet. More companies are also beginning to offer part-time employment, as the demands for it rise in our changing society.

Finding good part-time jobs relies mostly on your determination, a stand-out resume, and your job search skills. These three factors can make or break your job search for part-time work.

Try to set aside an hour each day for looking for a part-time job, either through your local newspaper, Facebook groups, or online job search websites.

If you find part-time jobs you are extremely interested in, consider moving forward with the opportunities as soon as possible by applying in person or online and tweaking your resume for the jobs.

Be prepared for your part-time employment interviews by practicing answering common questions beforehand. Be available as much as possible to meet the needs of potential employers who seek interviews.

Wait the specified amount of time before following up, but do not be afraid to send out a thank-you note after your part-time work interview.

Lastly, take your time when looking for a part-time job, if your finances allow you to do so. This will ensure that you find the perfect job that matches your skills and interests, rather than settling for part-time work that you are not passionate about.  

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