Intro: CNDirect Review | Is CNDirect Legit?

If you are an avid online shopper, you know how suspicious it can be ordering from a company or person that you have never encountered face-to-face.

You may be wary of entering credit card and banking information online and you may be worried about your order arriving as promised, when promised. Many of us have had experiences where our order looked nothing like it did on the website, or we received the wrong items in the mail, or we never received our shipment at all.

CNDirect Legit

Image Source: CNDirect

Typically shoppers are especially concerned when they shop wholesale from China. China online shopping is not uncommon, and most people are tempted to buy direct from China with the promise of extremely low prices, often for name-brand products.

The Internet is home to dozens of websites that offer shoppers the opportunity to directly purchase wholesale from China—one of the largest of these websites being

Recently a number of online shoppers have asked, “Is CNDirect legit?” CNDirect is an online shopping website that sells wholesale from China and advertises itself as “the best online store for electronics and fashion clothing,” but many shoppers are wondering how advisable it is to buy direct from China and if CNDirect is legit.

To help online shoppers everywhere who have concern about buying direct from China or purchasing wholesale from China, particularly from CNDirect, we researched a number of CNDirect reviews from past and current CNDirect customers.

In this article, we will analyze several CNDirect reviews and compare the pros and cons of purchasing wholesale from China via CNDirect to create a succinct and accurate CNDirect review of our own to help you determine if CNDirect is a legit and safe place to shop.

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Overview: What Is CNDirect?

CNDirect is an online shopping website that sells wholesale from China. They are registered in Hong Kong, and the website was founded in 2008. They pride themselves primarily on their “fashionable clothing & Korean style ladies’ apparel internationally,” their mission being to provide global customers with global products for low prices.

By reviewing a number of CNDirect reviews, the primary purchase definitely seems to be CNDirect clothing, but they also sell electronics, health and beauty products, home and garden products, toys, and more. On the CNDirect “about” page they speak heavily about their “high-quality products with the widest selections and reasonable prices.” CNDirect tries to market itself as a cheap and resourceful way to shop for wholesale from China. It even offers an email subscription that will provide shoppers with CNDirect coupons and newsletters for updates on CNDirect clothing and more.

The website is easy to manage and appropriate for all ages. They also allow you to make purchases through a PayPal account, which makes the payment process more comfortable. However, according to many of the CNDirect reviews we’ve researched, this online shopping site isn’t what it claims to be. While accessibility, navigation, and prices appear to be great, the CNDirect reviews we’ve looked at all suggest that there are serious issues with CNDirect clothing quality, communication with company representatives, and the refund/return policy.

cndirect review

Image Source: CNDirect Review

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Pros & Cons of Buying Direct from China with CNDirect

Pros of CNDirect:

  • Buying direct from China comes with a promise of extremely low prices
  • Wholesale from China also gives shoppers a chance to explore fashions and trends from around the globe
  • China online shopping is convenient and can be done from the comfort of your home
  • The CNDirect website offers eight different languages and is for customers from all over the globe
  • CNDirect often updates the website with daily specials and CNDirect coupons
  • The CNDirect website is easy to navigate

Cons of CNDirect:

  • Shipment time of wholesale from China is often very long—sometimes several weeks or months
  • There is no way to know what the quality of a product will be until it arrives on your doorstep
  • When buying direct from China, it can be difficult getting in touch with a representative of the company, since you can rely only on the phone numbers and web addresses they provide on the website
  • There is always a risk of having your banking information compromised when shopping online
  • Refunds with CNDirect are not free—customer must pay shipping fees

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Should I Buy Direct from China?

While low prices and new fashion trends are tempting, it is hard to justify them against the risk of money loss and not receiving quality products. The majority of the CNDirect reviews that we studied suggested that the cons heavily outweigh the pros.

Analysis of Online CNDirect Reviews

On the business review website, there are 70 CNDirect reviews, and more than half of those reviews were given one star. On another business review website called, there are 40 CNDirect reviews, and 44% of these reviews were also given one star.

It seems that the negative CNDirect reviews center around the poor quality of CNDirect clothing. Many of these past CNDirect customers claim that their CNDirect clothing came in the wrong sizes, were made of cheap material, and/or looked nothing like they were advertised on the CNDirect website. Another common theme in these negative CNDirect reviews is issues with the CNDirect payment process. According to several reviews, there are bugs and glitches in the payment process that make many customers feel uncomfortable about giving out their banking information.

Many customers are also claiming that they requested refunds after they never received their CNDirect clothing orders, but that they never got their money returned to them and many times they did not even receive a response from customer service. Getting connected with a CNDirect customer service representative also seems to be a frequent issue. Understandably, because customers are buying direct from China, it’s hard to expect a company representative from across the globe to readily be available; however, there have been complaints across a wide range of CNDirect reviews that it’s very difficult to get in touch with someone who works for this company. When customers have been able to speak with someone from the organization, it’s been claimed in several CNDirect reviews that the representative beats around the bush and avoids addressing the issue at hand. “They keep playing in circles,” said one customer in a CNDirect review.

While CNDirect representatives have replied to many of the CNDirect reviews on these review websites, their responses are often vague and make very little sense. In addition, responses from the company on CNDirect reviews are copy and pasted repeatedly with little to no personalization. When there have been issues, it appears very difficult to receive compensation, let alone find a resolution at all. The highest amount of stars that any CNDirect review received on was a mere three.

Take a look at these CNDirect reviews taken from that discuss the risks of buying wholesale from China, the poor quality of CNDirect clothing, and issues with getting monetary refunds.

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Real-Life CNDirect Reviews

If you have a problem—they will build obstacles to keep your money. I am tired of dealing with these Chinese online stores. They take your money and if you have problems—they build obstacles till you go away…”

BUYER BEWARE!!!!!!!!! Save your money—shop elsewhere!! I want my money back!!!!!!! Things take forever to arrive. And arrive in dribs and drabs. Watch was broken. Trench coat looked NOTHING like the picture. Overcoat ripped the first time I tried it on. Fabrics are flimsy, thin, see-through and just NASTY. Sent 2 of the exact same item. A TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY!!!!”

Scam Website Steals Your Money. I paid for items, tried to get a refund on my card, they keep playing in circles. They stole my money and never sent anything.”

“Are you kidding me? I wish I could give them a negative 5 rating because honestly, I’ve never read so many bad reviews for an online store!!”

Conclusion: Our CNDirect Review

Based on our analysis of more than 100 CNDirect reviews, it appears that you have to get lucky just to have a semi-successful experience with this company. Even in the CNDirect reviews that were positive, the quality of CNDirect clothing was described as “okay” and “good enough for the price.” While the CNDirect website looks put together and the prices are tempting, chances are, if you order from CNDirect, something will go wrong with your order.

There is very little detail about the company, how it started or where it came from, and the content on the website, including on the “about” page and in the “refund policy” section, the message is jumbled and incoherent. This is likely due to the option of viewing the site in eight different languages, but nevertheless, this makes it difficult to buy into the authenticity of the company and can cause issues should a customer misunderstand a policy.

While we do not feel we can assure legitimacy or safety when shopping with CNDirect, this CNDirect review isn’t to say that it is a bad idea to buy wholesale from China or that China online shopping is always a scam, but in researching a number of reviews for many other online shopping websites that allow the customer to buy direct from China, the delivery process will likely always be slow because of the distance the merchandise must travel, and it is very common to find knockoffs, counterfeits, and poor-quality products from China.

When it comes to online shopping, the customer is trading quality assurance for convenience. There is always a risk when buying direct from China or buying direct from any country. CNDirect reviews do not suggest that CNDirect is legit, however it doesn’t appear that CNDirect is a scam. CNDirect is a legit online shopping website, and there have been a handful of reviews in which customers claim that they received their products without any issues.

CNDirect reviews rather seem to insist that should an issue arise, which is always a possibility when shopping online, CNDirect is not helpful in trying to resolve the problem or offer compensation. A survey conducted by Dimensional Research shows that consumers are more likely to report a negative experience than share a positive experience. Overall, 95% of consumers who had a negative experience told someone about it compared to 87% of consumers who had a positive experience.

A local consumer review survey of 2,800 local consumers in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom stated that 85% of said consumers read online reviews for local businesses, 79% trusted online reviews as much as personal recommendations, and 67% read six reviews or less before making a purchasing decision. That being said, it’s very important that CNDirect learn how to better respond to customer reviews.

Even though CNDirect is not a scam, there appear to be a lot of rough spots in their ordering process that they don’t seem concerned about fixing. In conclusion, it seems that CNDirect is a real online shopping website, but consumers must purchase at their own risk with the knowledge that any mishaps may never be addressed by the company.

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