Overview: Everbuying Review | What You Should Know Before Using Everbuying

In our modern day online society, consumers can shop for products without leaving the comfort of their own home. In fact, shopping online may be even cheaper than shopping at a mall!

With companies such as Amazon and Alibaba (check out our AdvisoryHQ Alibaba review here and our Amazon vs. Alibaba comparison here) hitting the mainstream, global e-commerce is becoming more and more popular among shoppers.  

Is Everbuying Legit?

In the past, there was a stigma about online shopping on websites such as Amazon or Everbuying and about whether it was wise to pre-pay for a product, hoping that it really would be delivered to your door within 5 business days. Consumers would wonder, “Is Everbuying legit?” “Will I receive my product, or is Everbuying a scam?”

In addition to these concerns, shoppers may also be pondering “$40 for a new phone?! These prices too good to be true!” As global e-commerce hits the mainstream, there are some things to know before giving out your credit card online and taking advantage of these amazing prices.

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Everbuying Review: Why Are the Prices So Low? Is This an Everbuying Scam?

In North America, cell phones range from an average of $200 up to $800 per phone. This cost is made up of the cost of producing the phone, the mark-up the manufacturer takes on the phone, shipping of the phone from Asia to North America, costs to store inventory, commission for the sales team, rent for the physical store, and on top of all of that, the payroll of the full-time staff organizing all of this. This is why when consumers see Everbuying reviews mentioning prices as low as $40 per phone, the first thing that comes to mind is, “This is too good to be true! Is Everbuying legit?”

Unlike the stores in shopping malls, online stores do not have high operating expenses. Because the business is conducted solely online, they reduce the cost of paying rent and the cost to have actual inventory.

The business model for e-commerce stores such as Everbuying is to keep costs low by cutting out high operating costs, which allows them to price items at attractively low prices, driving up sales volumes.

On the supply-chain end of this, Everbuying is able to ship directly from the manufacturer to the end-user. This significantly reduces the amount of inventory that a physical store would normally carry and also reduces the need to do mark-downs on inventory and take on losses.

And it is because of all this that these cost-savings flow to you, the consumer.

everbuying review

Image Source: Everbuying Review

Though we’ve established why it is possible for prices to be so low, we have yet to answer the question, “Is Everbuying legit?” Why are there so many Everbuying reviews about an Everbuying scam?

Taking a look at Everbuying reviews, complaints and company history, we’ll break down whether or not you can trust Everbuying with your credit card information or to actually deliver that $40 cell phone.

What Is Everbuying?

Similar to Amazon, Everbuying is an online wholesaler and e-commerce website.  With operations based in China, Everbuying runs on an online platform using the domain Everbuying.net or Everbuying.com. Everbuying.com is most commonly known for selling Chinese-branded electronics and cellphones at a discounted price. According to Everbuying.com reviews, their product assortment includes watches, projector devices, tablets, cellular phones, and cell phone accessories such as power banks and head phones. 

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Everbuying Review: Everbuying Scam

As discussed earlier, a consumer’s main concern about online shopping is whether or not they will receive their goods as advertised. According to Everbuying.com reviews posted on the Better Business Bureau (BBB) website, there is a strong pattern of customers not receiving their product or receiving damaged product.

The most common theme from Everbuying reviews are:

  • The product never arrived
  • The product arrived after 2 – 3 months
  • The product is defective

For those who are still wondering, “Is Everbuying a scam?” or “Is Everbuying legit?” customers also indicated that they were “unable to reach the company by phone or email to inquire about the status of orders or request refunds.” This poses an issue because Everbuying.com advertises a “100% satisfaction guarantee.” 

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), when “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” is used in advertising, Everbuying.com is guaranteeing a refund of the full purchase price of the advertised product at the purchaser’s request. Everbuying reviews across many review sites indicate that this has not been the case.

Everbuying Reviews: Defective Merchandise and Partial Refunds

One user (Justin G.) mentioned only receiving a partial refund for his defective merchandise. Justin G. wrote:

“I purchased a K88 smart watch for $63.46 with free shipping. My watch arrived weeks later. I noticed right away it had problems syncing data to my iphone 5. It would sync after 10 to 15 tries daily. The watch didn’t work well at all. I contacted Everbuying online. It took them days to answer. They gave me 2 options. Return the watch at my expense to China. (approx. $25) Since the watch wasn’t in brand new condition, they would evaluate it and give me a partial refund to my wallet (store credit) They warned me to check postage rates to China. It may not be worth my while. My second option was to keep the defective watch and receive a $9.52 store credit. I explained I didn’t like either option. After all I received a defective watch! It didn’t matter to them. Those were my options. I took the $9.52 store credit and learned a lesson.”

Greg G. also faced a similar situation. In his Everbuying review, he wrote:

“I order 2 phones, the one has damaged, I [sent] it back and [they refunded] me only the 50% of the value of this phone! They don’t refund on PayPal but in EB wallet…They [sent] me one email with [a] photo that they [sent] the order. After some days they [said] that the order is cancelled and…[refunded] my $83.50!”

Though this is just an anecdotal sample of Everbuying reviews, there is an overwhelming trend among reviews that mention defective merchandise and partial refunds that does not support the “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” advertised on Everbuying.com.

Is Everbuying legit?

In addition to poor Everbuying.com reviews, the BBB has ranked Everbuying a grade of F on a grading scale of A+ for amazing to F as the lowest possible grade. BBB justifies the legitimacy of the low rating with the following:

“Factors that lowered the rating for Everbuying.com include:

  • 21 complaint(s) filed against business
  • Failure to respond to 2 complaint(s) filed against business
  • Business has failed to resolve underlying cause(s) of a pattern of complaints
  • Advertising issues found by BBB”

BBB’s low rating of the company corroborates the sea of negative Everbuying reviews.

So, is Everbuying legit or not?

For those who are still wondering if Everbuying is legit, there is a warning on the BBB website stating that “THERE IS AN ALERT ON EVERBUYING.COM.”

This is basically the professional equivalent of hanging a flashing sign on the window of a storefront saying “EVERBUYING IS NOT LEGIT.

everbuying scam

Image Source: Is Everybuying legit?

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For those who are still not convinced from Everbuying reviews, let’s examine the points previously covered:

Is Everbuying sending out defective merchandise?

YES – per the above Everbuying reviews, their products are consistently being sent out defective, missing parts, or not in operating condition.

is everbuying legit

Image Source: Everbuying Review

everbuying legit

Image Source: Everbuying Review

Is Everbuying offering full refunds to unsatisfied customers?

No, they are offering partial refunds or asking customers to ship the product back at their own expense. From Everbuying reviews, customers have complained that they need to ship products back at their own expense and, as many of their products have been lost in transit, still never received a refund. Some users have said that because the product is partially used, Everbuying only refunds a portion of the cost of the product. This does not sound like 100% satisfaction to us.

Therefore, is Everbuying falsely advertising?

Yes, they are. They are advertising products at a very attractive price and adding a guarantee on their product in order to let the shopper feel at ease about the shopping experience – but they are not following through on their promises.

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Is Everbuying Legit?

No. They are not legit. Though they offer electronic products for amazing and attractive prices, their products are typically delayed in delivery and/or damaged upon reaching the end-user. In addition to this, they have a “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” on their website but do not actually provide a full refund at the customer’s request.

When online shopping, it is important to research the track record of a company prior to giving out financial and personal information. Businesses such as Everbuying are the reason many Americans do not trust online purchasing.

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