Introduction: How Does Reverse Mortgage Work? What You Need to Know About Reverse Mortgages

How does reverse mortgage work? A reverse mortgage is a way to benefit from the existing equity in your home without having to leave it. For most people, their home is their most valuable asset.

Whenever people ponder ways to make money off of their home, the solution that often comes to mind is renting out the house or even selling it.

So, how do reverse mortgages work? A reverse mortgage allows you to turn the equity you have in your house into cash if you are at least 62 years old.

how does reverse mortgage workImage Source: Pexels

How do reverse mortgages work and let you live in your home while also accessing cash? You are essentially borrowing against the built up equity in your home, and this provides you with a fixed amount that you receive every month or a line of credit.

You can also choose a lump sum. How does reverse mortgage work in terms of repayment? You are not required to pay the owed balance back until you move out of the house, sell the house or pass away.

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How Do Reverse Mortgages Work? Understanding a Regular Mortgage

It is easier to answer the question, “How does a reverse mortgage work?” if the asker has an understanding of the way regular mortgages work.

So, to figure out the answer to, “How does a reverse mortgage work?” let us first work through what a regular or forward mortgage is. A conventional mortgage is a debt instrument with very specific requirements.

It is a loan that is tied to a specific asset (the home you buy with it), a specific period of time in which the loan will be paid off, pre-determined monthly payments, and an interest rate that is either fixed or variable.

You can see why it is important to understand how a conventional mortgage works in order to understand the question, “How does a reverse mortgage work?” When you take out a mortgage, you have ownership over the property and the title (the physical document proving this is known as the deed).

This means that you can make changes to it, rent it out or sell it. The only time in which this title is every challenged is if you fail to make your mortgage payments. At this point, the bank is within its rights to sell the house in order to recoup its losses and collect the outstanding balance.

In that sense, conventional mortgages are simple. You decide to buy a home (either from a developer or previous owners), they tell you how much it costs, and if you do not have the full amount, you provide a down payment, get the remainder from a bank, and pay the property owner.

You work out a repayment plan with the bank or lender that gave you the loan (or in other words, mortgage). How a reverse mortgage works is, naturally, different from this arrangement.

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How Do Reverse Mortgages Work? A Step-by-Step Explanation

Reverse Mortgage – How It Works: What Is Equity?

How does a reverse mortgage work? As mentioned, how a reverse mortgage works is that it allows you to tap into the equity you have built up in your home. What is equity? Equity is the current value of a home minus any outstanding mortgage balance. So the longer you have been making mortgage payments on a home, the more equity you (should) have built up.

This makes sense, and it is vital for understanding how a reverse mortgage works since the concept of equity is central to learning about reverse mortgages. For the cash-strapped, their home equity is one of their biggest assets. Traditionally, homeowners can take out loans against their home equity by pursuing what is known as a home equity line of credit. For a reverse mortgage, how it works is as an alternative to a home equity line of credit or selling or renting your home.

Reverse Mortgage – How It Works: A Basic Outline

Regarding reverse mortgages, how do they work to use your equity in a way that is different from a home equity line of credit? If you’re wondering what a home equity line of credit is, it is a loan that a financial institution can give you that uses your home as collateral. The lender will determine a maximum loan amount, and then the borrower can draw from this line of credit as he or she wishes.

If a balance accrues on this line of credit, the homeowner chooses to either pay it back immediately or make the minimum payments based on the repayment terms they have worked out with their lender. If they cannot, then the home is used as collateral to pay off the outstanding balance. This is different from how a reverse mortgage works.

How does reverse mortgage work differently? With reverse mortgages how do they work when compared to regular mortgages? As the name suggests, they kind of do the opposite. With a regular, forward mortgage, you pay your lender each month. How do reverse mortgages work? Your lender pays you each month, instead. You can also opt for a line of credit or a lump sum payment. Additionally, you can choose to use a combination of these payment methods.

How does reverse mortgage work when it comes to your existing equity in the home? The longer you hold the reverse mortgage, the more your debt grows and the equity in the house shrinks.

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How does reverse mortgage work when it comes to determining just how much money you will receive as a loan? The lender needs to figure out how much money he or she will lend you. To do so, the lender uses a formula provided by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) that takes into account the home’s value, the borrower’s age, and current interest rates.

Typically, the lender will choose to give you 40–60 percent of the value depending on your age. After he or she has decided the amount, you choose how you want the money (lump sum, line of credit or monthly payments), and the lender will roll any additional fees or closing costs into the loan.

Reverse Mortgages – How Do They Work for Different Payment Methods

How do reverse mortgages work when the funds are received as a monthly payment? One the same day each month, you will receive a disbursement from your lender. A mortgage statement that tells you everything you need to know about your reverse mortgage to date will accompany this disbursement. This statement will include information like:

  • The loan balance from the previous month
  • How much was paid to you
  • The amount of interest and insurance charged on the monthly amount
  • What your current loan balance is

How do reverse mortgages work when the funds are provided in a line of credit? This is the convenient thing about reverse mortgages – they can be structured in a way that is most suitable for your needs or financial situation. Say you would like the funds available as you need them but not necessarily immediately, a line of credit is your best option. In this case, your statement would show:

  • Your current loan balance
  • The amount of money that was previously available
  • Withdrawals that you made the month prior
  • Your new available funds

As mentioned, you can also take the funds as a lump sum payment or as a combination of any of these three methods. It allows people who seek a reverse mortgage to have some flexibility.

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How Do Reverse Mortgages Work, and What’s in It for the Lender?

The thing about reverse mortgages is that they sound like a bizarrely sweet deal. They seem almost too good to be true. How does reverse mortgage work when it comes to making the banks money? Simple: it’s a waiting game.

To understand how a reverse mortgage works in terms of making banks money, you have to understand the waiting game that banks engage in. They wait until you sell the home, move out or die. In those cases, they collect the money that they loaned out from whatever profits are gained from the home.

But how does reverse mortgage work in cases where the loan exceeds the value of the home? The usual system is you get the reverse mortgage, and once you move, sell or die, the home is sold. The proceeds from the home are used to pay off the loan balance plus the accrued interest. If there is money left over, you or whoever has a right to your estate keeps the rest.

But how do reverse mortgages work if the market value of the home does not cover the loan? Well, here’s the best part: the lender has no recourse in that case. It is a non-recourse loan, so the lender cannot go after the borrower or his or her family for the money lost. The worst that can happen is that you get nothing.

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How Do Reverse Mortgages Work: Reverse Mortgage Requirements

After reading this, you can quickly see the clear differences when you compare how reverse mortgages work versus how regular, forward mortgages work versus how a home equity line of credit works. Answering the question, “How does reverse mortgage work?” and realizing that it may be the answer you are looking for can be a significant source of relief.

How Do Reverse Mortgages Work, and Why Do People Choose Them?

How does reverse mortgage work in people’s favor? Why do they choose this option? Well, a reverse mortgage works well for those who are in their later years of life, do not have a lot of cash flow, and need some way to live comfortably. For a lot of people in this position, their home is the most substantial asset that they have.

For many seniors, the thought of selling their house and leaving the home that they may have lived in for most of their life is unbearable. After working so hard, the luxury of living out their life in their home sounds like a very reasonable wish.

How does reverse mortgage work to do this? You are not paying the loan or any interest over the duration of the loan so long as you are living in the house. For somebody who is just interested in living in their home without any financial constraints, this is a very attractive arrangement.

How Does Reverse Mortgage Work: The Reverse Mortgage Requirements

There are specific reverse mortgage requirements that potential borrowers must meet (or maintain throughout the course of the loan). 


If you want to take out a reverse mortgage, one of the reverse mortgage requirements is that you must be 62 years of age or older.

This makes sense considering reverse mortgages are mostly meant to be a way to affordably live in your home. For those who are younger, selling the home, renting it out or taking out a home equity line of credit are very viable options.

Sufficient Equity in the Home

Enough equity in the home is another reverse mortgage requirement. You are borrowing against the equity you have built up, which makes this an important requirement. Since you will be paying off the remaining balance in the home with the proceeds you get from the reverse mortgage, it is vital not to have too much money outstanding on your mortgage.

No Other Loans on the Home

Yes, that is right. Using your reverse mortgage to pay off the remaining balance on your existing mortgage is not something you can choose to do or not do – it is one of the reverse mortgage requirements. Those who have no mortgage on their home can simply use their reverse mortgage funds for whatever they wish.

Those who have an existing mortgage must use the reverse mortgage to pay that loan off, and then they can use the leftover money for whatever they like. This is to ensure that the reverse mortgage provider is the only one that has any claim to the proceeds from the house when it is eventually sold.

You Need to Still Live in the Home

One of the most important reverse mortgage requirements is that the home you use the reverse mortgage for has to be your primary residence.

If you move out of the home, then the lender has the right to sell your home in order to recoup his or her money (if you do not have the money to pay back out of pocket).

Why is this one of the most important reverse mortgage requirements for consumers to know about? It is important because it does not matter why you leave the home. This does not just apply to people who choose to leave the home out of preference – this applies to any reason.

For instance, if you need to move into a nursing home, it is considered moving out, and you will lose your home if you cannot pay back the loan with other means. People considering this option need to carefully consider how a reverse mortgage works and see how it will fit into their lifestyle.

You Need to Keep the Home in Good Condition and Fulfill Any Obligations on the Home

In order to be able to sell the home later, one of the reverse mortgage requirements is that you keep the house in good condition. The other requirement is that you keep up with any responsibilities tied to the home such as property taxes.

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How Do Reverse Mortgages Work for You?

A reverse mortgage is a great option for those who need cash, want to live comfortably in retirement, and have a lot of equity in their home.

However, it also has specifications that are worth carefully studying, so be sure to review the reverse mortgage requirements and see if it is the right choice for you.  

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