Intro: Hubspot Reviews

How many times have you actually opened and thoughtfully read a piece of junk mail? How many times have you hung up on a telemarketer or turned on the mute button when a commercial break interrupts the big game?  The traditional tactics of outbound marketing are rapidly losing their sway over the general consumer.

Inbound marketing, however, presents an alternative for today’s virtual, internet-connected world.  If you’re looking for ways to transform your business and take advantage of marketing software that puts you in direct contact with potential clients and customers, then Hubspot may be right for you. 

In this Hubspot review, we’ll briefly explain what is Hubspot, look at what does Hubspot do, as well as examine how to use Hubspot to jumpstart your business. 

What Is Hubspot?

According to one study, the modern person spends around eight hours per day consuming different forms of media.  Television is still the media form that we spend most time watching, though since 2010, television has been decreasing as time on the internet has been increasing.

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Image source: Hubspot

The problem, however, is that online marketing and web design aren’t easy to do by yourself and can be prohibitively expensive. This Hubspot review argues that the Hubspot services as an inbound marketing software platform can help your company attract visitors and potential customers, convert leads into promising sales, and close deals with long-term clients. 

Hubspot helps business owners attract customers through creating web traffic on their website.  It will help you improve the content on your website and optimize that content for search engines so that you show up on Google and generate social media buzz. 

Once you’ve generated some web traffic, one of the most valuable of the Hubspot services is help in converting that web traffic into business opportunities through landing pages, personalized emails, and calls to action.  Users who really know how to use Hubspot can even collect information from customers so as to better establish long-term client relationships. 

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Hubspot Services

  • Control

One of the greatest perks that we want to highlight in this Hubspot review is the control you as the client will have over the content management system.  Let’s face it, many of us simply aren’t “techies,” and the idea of running a website that will attract customers may seem daunting. 

Many Hubspot reviews claim that the Hubspot platform provides business owners with one of the simplest content management systems out there.  Even if you have no idea about computer code or no experience with computer programming, spending just a few weeks learning how to use Hubspot will allow you to  maintain a successful and interactive business website that will boost sales. 

  • Intensive Analytics

Another quality Hubspot service that we want to emphasize is the quality analytics that Hubspot will provide you regarding your website.  You’ll receive detailed charts, statistics, and analysis that will let you know how your website is doing and in what areas you need to improve to garner better client relationships and outreach. 

These analytics will also help you make important business decisions regarding what strategies are working and which are a waste of your time. 

  • Search Engine Optimization

Hubspot will also help you make a name for your business in the online world.  Through search engine optimization (SEO), you’ll gain more visibility as your company pops up more frequently in Google and other search engines’ searches. 

There’s nothing worse than creating a quality website that your customers simply can’t find.  Many Hubspot reviews rave about Hubspot’s ability to let you know where your website ranks in SEO strength and weaknesses.  The more visibility you get on the web, the more sales you’ll ultimately make. 

  • Tools to Get Leads

The days of going door to door searching for customers is a thing of the past.  Finding a way to get good leads is the cornerstone of any successful business venture. But what you do with those leads is also what determines whether or not your business will really take off.  

One essential Hubspot service is that through the use of automated email follow ups, lead grading, and lead capture forms, you’ll be able to better determine which leads are worth your time and increase your closing rate. 

  • Easy-to-Use Blogging Platform

Blogging isn’t simply for bored housewives or college-aged world travelers anymore.  If you want to run a successful business, you need to have a blog that search engines will pick up in order to garner attention for your business website.  Most Hubspot reviews are very enthusiastic about how easy Hubspot makes it for businesses to implement blogs into their websites. 

Blogging is one of the best ways to draw SEO attention to your business, and with the specialized blogging analytics, Hubspot will let you know what your potential clients like reading about. 

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Is Hubspot Free?

You’re probably wondering, “How much does Hubspot cost?” But before looking at the prices, which can be intimidating for some small business owners, it’s important to think about how much inbound marketing could add to your company in the long run. 

We believe this Hubspot review will show that even if you shell out a couple thousand dollars per year for Hubspot services, you may very well be making the decision that will help your business take the next step in growth. 

Hubspot does offer free customer relationship management software.  This “freebie” will help you organize, track, and sell the products your company markets.  Furthermore, a basic sales software package is also free.  

You can upgrade for $50 per month to a package that offers more influential tools to streamline your inbound sales process. Obviously these free perks are Hubspot’s attempt to get you to purchase their marketing software packages, which are the most imperative to your business’s success.

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Image source: Hubspot

Many Hubspot reviews appreciate that there are a number of packages costing anywhere from $100 a month to several thousand a month. According to Hubspot’s website, the three most popular options are the basic, pro and enterprise options.  The basic package costs $200 a month and includes content creation and optimization, email marketing, social media suite, and marketing analytics dashboards. 

The pro option is $800 a month but includes everything the basic package offers plus marketing automation, goal based nurturing, custom workflows, sales force integration, smart content, attribution reporting, and user roles. The enterprise package is by far the most expensive option at $2,400 a month. 

This option, however, is what will really make Hubspot worth it, especially for businesses with larger sales volume and number of clients.  It includes everything in the basic and pro packages plus revenue reporting, custom event reporting, custom event automation triggers, A/B testing, CTAs, A/B test emails, predictive lead scoring, contacts reporting, company reporting, and event-based segmentation. 

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Hubspot Reviews

Since Hubspot is widely considered the founder and leader of inbound marketing, it generally gets favorable reviews.  The variety of packages that are offered allows flexibility in choosing what package is best for your business.  One Hubspot review said,

“[E]stablishing a strong web presence does take work and effort. But the beauty behind Hubspot is that they provide you with all the tools and resources necessary to do so. And when I say all, I really mean ALL—hence their all-in-one system. Whether it’s blogging, web design for dummies, video marketing, social media, analytics, etc, HS gives you the tools necessary to do very well with each—and measure your effectiveness with each while you’re at it.”

Furthermore, most Hubspot reviewers appreciated the ease of using Hubspot services. This Hubspot review remarked that “I enjoy how easy the tool is to use…Landing pages don’t require any coding experience at all making them very easy to build.” 

Though most Hubspot reviews were positive, one blogger claimed that “Hubspot has a retention problem. This is why they now try to force every customer to agree to a whole year upfront and why they have a ‘contract negotiations’ department.”  As with any business, Hubspot employees will try to talk you into purchasing the larger package, so it’s important to do your research beforehand to know what it is your business needs. 

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Hubspot Alternatives

Although Hubspot is considered to be the number one inbound marketing platform, there are a number of alternatives to choose from that offer different ranges of services.  If you have learned how to use Hubspot and have a fairly deep understanding of how to operate a web page, it is entirely possible to use WordPress as a marketing automation software and a lead generator. 

Though it doesn’t offer the same ease as Hubspot, you may be able to hire a specialist to turn your WordPress site into a quality content management system with decent plug ins that can offer some of the services that Hubspot provides at a fraction of the price. 

Other inbound marketing platforms include HatchBuck, Infusionsoft, Wishpond, and Marketo.  Most of these Hubspot alternatives are significantly cheaper, though they only offer a fraction of the Hubspot services that come with the different packages you can purchase.

what is hubspot

Image source: Pixabay

Is Hubspot Worth It?

This is the main question that this Hubspot review wants to help you determine.  For larger businesses that maintain an active web presence, Hubspot is definitely worth it as you can be sure that Hubspot will provide you with the tools and analytics to help your business grow. 

For smaller businesses, you may want to question whether or not you have the time to dedicate to learning how to use Hubspot. 

One Hubspot review on stated that Hubspot is worth it “only if you have a Hubspot developer in your team.” Investing resources to train a couple of people on your staff on how to use Hubspot will only help you get the most out of your investment. 

Another Hubspot review believes that “it comes down to budget. If you have enough sales or enough capital raised at an early stage, I would almost always pull the trigger on it if you have any expectation on significant…sales growth coming from inbound marketing leads. If the majority of your leads will not be coming in through marketing channels, then HubSpot’s value versus cost goes down significantly.”

 This Hubspot review agrees that Hubspot is a worthwhile investment for any business seeking to change its marketing strategy to take advantage of the benefits that inbound marketing offers.  

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