Intro: Latest LuLaRoe News | Is LuLaRoe in Trouble from Multiple LuLaRoe Lawsuits?

It’s hard to find a brand more beloved by millennial women—both with and without children—than LuLaRoe. After all, their brand is built on much more than comfortable fabrics, fashionable styles, and unique, colorful prints.

For their independent fashion consultants, LuLaRoe promises that their brand “can restore or improve confidence in both your appearance and your abilities and it will provide immense satisfaction as you help others to find such confidence in themselves.”

LuLaRoe leggings, dresses, and shirts have since come to represent the meeting of unique fashion, comfort, and fun, encouraging wearers to feel just as comfortable sitting on the couch as they do in the office.

With sales rocketing upwards by 600 percent within the last two years, reaching the coveted $1 billion mark, LuLaRoe is certainly no stranger to making headlines. Up until recently, LuLaRoe had been used to making positive headlines—but the latest LuLaRoe news headlines are drastically different.

LuLaRoe Lawsuits

LuLaRoe Lawsuits

Early this spring, LuLaRoe news took a turn for the worse, with one LuLaRoe lawsuit being filed after the next. Currently, there are two ongoing LuLaRoe lawsuits regarding the quality of LuLaRoe leggings and improper sales tax on purchases.

Additionally, a Hungarian artist has even filed his own LuLaRoe lawsuit, claiming that his designs were used on LuLaRoe clothing without permission.

The reported low quality of LuLaRoe leggings combined with their high prices and unforgiving return policies have caused many customers to believe that there is a LuLaRoe scam, even dedicating an entire Facebook page to the topic.

There are those who forecast even another LuLaRoe lawsuit on the horizon, based on multiple LuLaRoe complaints from consultants who say that they were misled about the selling potential of the brand.

What do each of these LuLaRoe lawsuits mean for the future of the brand? Is there a LuLaRoe scam with the poor quality of LuLaRoe leggings? What is LuLaRoe doing to resolve these LuLaRoe complaints and issues? Is LuLaRoe in trouble?

In this review, we’ll take an in-depth look at each LuLaRoe lawsuit to determine whether LuLaRoe fans will be affected by these recent LuLaRoe news.

We’ll also look at various LuLaRoe complaints that led to the LuLaRoe lawsuits, and see if there may be another LuLaRoe lawsuit for shoppers to look out for on the horizon.

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LuLaRoe Lawsuits | Exploring LuLaRoe Complaints About Leggings

Before diving into the specifics of the current LuLaRoe lawsuits, let’s look at the multiple LuLaRoe complaints and negative LuLaRoe leggings reviews that sparked the most publicly-discussed LuLaRoe lawsuit: defective leggings.

LuLaRoe Complaints in Social Media & News

In line with the LuLaRoe leggings lawsuit, the lead plaintiffs in the case—Julie Dean and Suzanne Jones—have created an invitation-only Facebook page to garner support for defective LuLaRoe leggings.

Titled “LuLaRoe Defective/Ripped/Torn Leggings and Clothes”, the page provides a forum for LuLaRoe complaints and LuLaRoe leggings reviews from over 32,000 members, up from 18,000 in March. 

According to the court filing of the LuLaRoe lawsuit, Dean and Jones both experienced significant defects in their LuLaRoe leggings. After a few hours of wear, LuLaRoe leggings started to develop small holes, with another pair displaying a hole so large that a hand could fit through.

In an interview with Business Insider, Valerie Williams described her negative experience after buying five pairs of LuLaRoe leggings, saying “These pants rip like wet toilet paper.”

This sentiment is echoed across thousands of negative LuLaRoe leggings reviews, including an article published by BuzzFeed News. The article contains a variety of negative LuLaRoe leggings reviews, filled with horror stories of customers experiencing embarrassing rips and tears while out grocery shopping, running errands, or during their workday.

In her own LuLaRoe leggings review, Kristy Fogle says,

My coworker, a male, told me my underwear was showing…The legging had ripped across my entire butt cheek. How embarrassing?! I now carry an extra pair with me at all times because I have had multiple rip on me, both [sizes]. It doesn’t matter size, where they are made, etc. The quality is abysmal. To charge $25 for something that is literally like cheap toilet paper is ridiculous to me.

Many women also reported that the responses from their LuLaRoe consultant were less than helpful, with most being told that they must have purchased the wrong size for their body or washed the leggings improperly.

As LuLaRoe customer Tiffany Davis states in her LuLaRoe leggings review,

If you go back to the consultant you bought from and ask for a replacement, the typical response is fat-shaming or improper care.

LuLaRoe Complaints on Better Business Bureau

The Better Business Bureau warns consumers about the poor quality of LuLaRoe leggings based on the sheer number of negative LuLaRoe leggings reviews. Out of 249 LuLaRoe complaints, 141 complaints address issues with the product/service.

With so many LuLaRoe complaints—both from LuLaRoe consultants and customers—and a history of not responding promptly to negative LuLaRoe leggings reviews, the Better Business Bureau has awarded the company with an “F” rating, the lowest possible score.

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LuLaRoe Lawsuits | LuLaRoe Lawsuit Over Poor Quality of LuLaRoe Leggings

A class action lawsuit filed against LuLaRoe was filed on March 23, culminating from widespread LuLaRoe complaints and outrage over the reportedly poor quality of LuLaRoe leggings.

Priced at $25 apiece, negative LuLaRoe leggings reviews like those described above have appeared repeatedly across social media and news outlets, criticizing LuLaRoe leggings for ripping and tearing, both before and after use.

The LuLaRoe lawsuit over the quality of their leggings alleges that the company knowingly sold defective leggings and other defective LuLaRoe clothing to the public.

This allegation is largely based on a reported company-wide email stating that “The leggings may get holes, because we weaken the fibers to make them buttery soft. We have done all we can to fix them.”

When the LuLaRoe leggings lawsuit was filed, the company did not have a workable system in place to handle returns for defective items, which generated a wealth of LuLaRoe complaints and a barrage of negative LuLaRoe leggings reviews.

Rather than providing customers with a convenient method of returning their LuLaRoe leggings back to the warehouse for a refund or exchange, unsatisfied customers were directed back to LuLaRoe consultants.

LuLaRoe consultants were not refunded for the exchanges and were responsible for absorbing the cost of defective items. With so many barriers for returning defective items, many consultants simply refused to offer returns or exchanges.

As stated in the court filing of this LuLaRoe leggings lawsuit,

Thousands of customers across the United States are now stuck with defective products because defendants will neither issue refunds or make exchanges for customers and instead steer customers to the fashion consultants to deal with defective or damaged products…defendants will not make refunds to fashion consultants for defective products and impose various barriers for exchanges. As a result, most fashion consultants will not take back defective products from customers.

Company Response to the Leggings Lawsuit Against LuLaRoe

In a statement to BuzzFeed News, LuLaRoe responded by saying,

We categorically reject the fabricated and exaggerated claims of this suit in the strongest terms and believe it is completely without merit. We stand by the quality of our products and are committed to ensuring consumers are fully satisfied. We are confident we will be able to fully refute these allegations.

Even so, it’s clear that the company has taken the multiple LuLaRoe complaints and issues with the LuLaRoe leggings line to heart, issuing a round of important company changes to counteract the LuLaRoe lawsuit.

In April, LuLaRoe issued a press release detailing their new policies for returns and exchanges of defective products, which includes three significant changes:

Happiness Policy

The Happiness Policy allows unsatisfied shoppers to return their merchandise to their fashion consultant within 30 days for a full refund, credit, or exchange.

If, after 90 days, shoppers are not completely satisfied or happy with their purchase, they can return their items to any LuLaRoe consultant for a credit or exchange.

Limited Warranty

The Limited Warranty is an insurance policy covering any defects in materials or workmanship for a period of six months after the initial purchase date. To be eligible, products must be purchased in the United States directly from an authorized LuLaRoe consultant.

This warranty was applicable to any product purchased after April 24, 2017.

Make Good Program

In response to the LuLaRoe lawsuit over poor leggings quality, the “Make Good Program” allowed customers to receive a refund, gift card, or exchange for any defective product purchased between January 1, 2016 and April 24, 2017.

All claims had to be submitted with the proper paperwork by July 31, 2017 to be eligible for the Make Good Program.

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LuLaRoe Lawsuits | LuLaRoe Complaints About Tax Violations

The fashion retailer is currently dealing with a second LuLaRoe lawsuit addressing LuLaRoe complaints about improper taxation, filed on February 17.

According to the LuLaRoe lawsuit on taxation, “independent representatives are required to use a proprietary online point-of-sale software called “Audrey” that automatically charges customers sales tax based on the location where the salesperson is based rather than the taxing authority where the customer is located.”

Even if a buyer lives in a tax-free location, there are instances of purchase taxes as high as 10.25%.

Plaintiff Rachel Webster of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, states that she was charged over $35 in taxes during 2016, despite the fact that Pennsylvania does not charge any sales tax on clothing purchases.

Although LuLaRoe consultants were told that the system would automatically adjust tax rates to match the buyer’s location, the number of LuLaRoe complaints about improper taxation suggests a significant failure in the system.

Company Response to the Taxation Lawsuit Against LuLaRoe

In response to the impending LuLaRoe lawsuit over improper taxation, the company has stated that these tax issues were due to a “technology system failure” from a past vendor. 

LuLaRoe issued a statement to CBS MoneyWatch, saying:

We are fully aware of this issue and have invested significant resources to address it. When affected customers have contacted us to identify their proper location, we have immediately issued them a refund for sales tax overcharges. In addition to contracting a new payments vendor, we are proactively working to ensure that all affected customers are refunded for sales tax overcharges.

Although their website does have a section dedicated to LuLaRoe news, there is currently no mention on the status of this LuLaRoe lawsuit at the time of this writing.

If this LuLaRoe lawsuit achieves class action status, this could make for a potentially large lawsuit against LuLaRoe. While LuLaRoe has stated that they are aware of the situation and are refunding customers who step forward, there’s a good chance that plenty more LuLaRoe complaints about improper taxation are still to come.

Company Response to the Taxation Lawsuit Against LuLaRoe - Lularoe Complaints

Taxation Lawsuit Against LuLaRoe

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LuLaRoe Lawsuits | Do These LuLaRoe Issues Point to a LuLaRoe Scam?

In the heat of the moment, amidst much frustration, and in light of these LuLaRoe lawsuits, many LuLaRoe complaints are hinting at a LuLaRoe scam—particularly when considering the LuLaRoe leggings reviews posted on Better Business Bureau.

While LuLaRoe has come under plenty of criticism in 2017, it should be acknowledged that LuLaRoe is a young company that experienced exponential growth in a short period of time.

Founded in 2012, the company exploded to $1 billion in sales by 2016, growing at a much faster rate than expected.

With over 80,000 consultants, demand is high and there’s a lot of pressure put on producing as much product as possible. After outsourcing production to Vietnam, negative LuLaRoe leggings reviews and LuLaRoe complaints began flooding review sites and media outlets.

While it’s certainly understandable that customers may feel as though they have been ripped off through a LuLaRoe scam, the company appears to be legitimate and making steps to improve its business model.

Experimenting with outsourced vendors—and ironing out kinks in their billing system—is a challenge faced by all new companies.

Unfortunately for LuLaRoe, the multiple LuLaRoe lawsuits will force this retail giant to improve its business model and resolve these LuLaRoe issues beneath a very public eye.

Regardless, avid LuLaRoe fans can rest assured that there is not a LuLaRoe scam going on, despite the current LuLaRoe lawsuits.

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Conclusion: Is LuLaRoe in Trouble? Can the Company Survive These LuLaRoe Lawsuits?

Getting through these LuLaRoe lawsuits may be challenging for the company, but it’s likely that LuLaRoe will pull through and continue to enjoy widespread popularity.

While the amount of negative LuLaRoe leggings reviews and LuLaRoe lawsuits have given them a bit of negative publicity, the company seems to be genuinely making strides to improve their customer service and their return policies, which is a significant step forward.

The ultimate question that lies ahead is—Will there be another LuLaRoe lawsuit filed on behalf of the LuLaRoe consultants? It’s not entirely out of the question—but only time will tell.

Consultants have been expressing widespread frustration with the company’s policies, suggesting that selling LuLaRoe clothing is a business venture that sets consultants up for failure with high startup costs and significant time investments.

While nothing has happened yet, a potential LuLaRoe lawsuit filed by consultants themselves is what could truly determine the fate of the company, creating extreme LuLaRoe issues down the line.

For now, however, the LuLaRoe brand continues to be fiercely adored among women who love bright colors, unique designs, and clothing that is equally as comfortable as it is fashionable.

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