Intro: MyFitnessPal Reviews | Does MyFitnessPal Really Work?

The desire to lose weight is something that many can relate to. Almost everyone can admit to trying to slim down at some point in life, whether the attempt was through an exercise regime or changing one’s eating habits.

Nowadays, it seems as if diet trends or new methods for weight loss are cranked out every week, and it can be difficult in determining the best one for you.

You may have heard of MyFitnessPal as one weight-loss method and are looking for more information. Luckily for you, this MyFitnessPal review will provide a detailed overview of and the MyFitnessPal app. Many individuals may be wondering, “How does MyFitnessPal work?”

There are a variety of MyFitnessPal reviews on the Internet, so this article will condense the MyFitnessPal reviews available online into a detailed MyFitnessPal review that highlights the pros and cons of using this provider.

It will also go over some of the MyFitnessPal customer success stories as well as answering the question: How does MyFitnessPal work?

myfitnesspal review

Image Source: MyFitnessPal

What Is MyFitnessPal? is a website that individuals can utilize to help them with their health and fitness goals. The founders of MyFitnessPal recognize that losing weight isn’t easy.

Therefore, the site provides tools for individuals to use that will help them achieve their weight-loss and fitness goals. Users have the option of using the website or the app.

myfitnesspal review

Image Source: Pixabay

The owners of MyFitnessPal acknowledge that tracking your diet is essential to losing weight, and the site makes it easy for individuals to monitor their diet in detail. It provides a free calorie counter that allows you to easily analyze your daily calorie consumption.

The free calorie counter tracks your allotted calorie count, and, as you eat, it clearly shows how many calories you have left for the day.

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How Does MyFitnessPal Work?

You may be wondering, “How does MyFitnessPal work?” Membership to the MyFitnessPal website is free. In order to sign up, all you need to do is create an account with a username and password. After that is complete, you’ll answer a few questions about your current lifestyle and fitness goals.

The owners of have made it easy. You also have the option to sign up using your Facebook account. During the signup process, you can choose to share MyFitnessPal with other individuals via email; however, this is not a requirement.

Once you’ve answered the questions, MyFitnessPal comes up with a customized plan to suit your lifestyle and fitness goals. It creates a plan that outlines nutritional goals and includes daily allotted calorie counts. It also forms a workout plan that outlines how many calories you’ll need to burn to achieve your fitness goals. MyFitnessPal sums up all of the results by providing details on your weekly weight loss and the date you’ll reach your goal.

Members aren’t limited to only tracking their diet – they can also track their daily exercise. The “Exercise” section is broken down into “Cardiovascular” and “Strength Training.” Each individual has the option to add the completed exercises from a day and easily view the number of calories burned.

In the “Exercise” section, MyFitnessPal members can search the exercise database to locate the activity they will be doing. There are also tools available to speed up the data entry process of adding exercises. MyFitnessPal members have the option of copying data from a specific date to the current day’s record. If there are any additional details, members can write further information about the day’s exercises in the “My Exercise Notes” field.

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How to Delete a MyFitnessPal Account

Many individuals may want to know how to delete a MyFitnessPal account. If you decide that you no longer want to use MyFitnessPal, it is easy to deactivate your account. Many sites have a difficult process in place when it comes to canceling a membership; however, MyFitnessPal is not one of them.

In order to delete a MyFitnessPal account, all you need to do is log in to your account. From that point, access your main settings and choose the option to delete your account. You will then be taken to a confirmation screen. Once you confirm, your account deactivation will be complete.

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Additional Features of MyFitnessPal

When losing weight or simply trying to staying fit, many individuals enjoy group support. The website has a “Community” section where you can join different groups. There are groups that focus on losing weight, gaining weight, sharing recipes, and many other topics. There is also a section where new MyFitnessPal members can introduce themselves to the community and share their goals.

The site allows members to run reports that show the details of their fitness journey. These reports focus on weight, calorie counting, and fitness. Members can have the option to run reports over specific time periods in order to get the information they need, going as far back as one year.

MyFitnessPal Free Calorie Counter

For those trying to lose weight or simply stay in shape, it is important to track the amount of calories you consume on a daily basis. MyFitnessPal makes this easy with its free calorie counter online and mobile calorie counting app.

The website provides a free calorie counter that includes over 1 million items from a variety of different restaurants. You can also create your own custom items.

Using the MyFitnessPal free calorie counter is simple. You search for the item, and with just a few clicks, you can add it to your daily food log. If it is a food item you regularly consume, you can add it to your own personal food database. The free calorie counter also gives you the ability to create your own recipes and establish a calorie counter per serving.

MyFitnessPal users can access the free calorie counter online or on the mobile app. The free calorie counting app makes it easy to track your diet on the go. You also have the option to scan the barcode on an item to search for nutritional information.

The portability of the free calorie counting app helps individuals stay on track with their diet by reviewing everything they consume.

MyFitnessPal Reviews Pros and Cons

MyFitnessPal Reviews from the Web

In May of 2014, provided a MyFitnessPal app review. The editor wrote in the MyFitnessPal app review that the app was “Outstanding” and gave it a perfect score of 5 out of 5. The reviewer found the app easy to use and said it was one of the best fitness apps available through the iTunes store.

 The only cons were the “unimaginative” push notifications and that diligent daily use is required for accuracy.

The website also wrote a MyFitnessPal review in September of 2013. This MyFitnessPal app review lists convenience and instant feedback as some of the pros of the app and website. However, the disadvantages included inconsistent updating of the barcode scanning feature in the app along with the drawback of mobile dependability.

The MyFitnessPal app review also expressed concern regarding overall health since losing weight is focused solely on counting calories.

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MyFitnessPal Reviews on iTunes

The MyFitnessPal app is available through the iTunes store and can be used with the Apple Watch. In the iTunes store, there are nearly 500,000 MyFitnessPal app reviews. The average rating out of all these MyFitnessPal app reviews is 4.5 out of 5 stars.

One MyFitnessPal member that uses the app on his iPhone acknowledged that the app has improved over time. He stated that the user interface has improved, and he found the calorie counts to be very accurate. However, one criticism was that fields should be added to track BMI and BMR. Overall, his MyFitnessPal app review was very positive.

Another MyFitnessPal review was not so positive. The individual stated that he felt the app had gone downhill since the paid version became available. He found the ads that came up while using the free app were distracting.

MyFitnessPal Reviews in Google Play

Android users can download the MyFitnessPal app through Google Play. Currently, there are over 1.3 million MyFitnessPal app reviews on Google Play. The MyFitnessPal app on Android is rated 4.6 stars out of 5 stars. While the majority of MyFitnessPal reviews are positive, there are several that aren’t.

One particular MyFitnessPal review on Google Play raves about the app. The individual gives 5 out of 5 stars and a glowing MyFitnessPal app review, saying it is the best on the market. He loves the fact that MyFitnessPal designs a daily plan and that there is a community of members he can interact with.

Another MyFitnessPal review is not quite so positive. The individual’s MyFitnessPal App review rates the product as 1 out of 5 stars – the lowest possible rating. The MyFitnessPal review expresses dissatisfaction with how the app works with the Garmin Vivofit.

MyFitnessPal Success Stories

A simple online search will result in a multitude of MyFitnessPal success stories. Some involve maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, many MyFitnessPal success stories illustrate a huge weight loss that is life-changing for the individual.

One of the most inspiring MyFitnessPal success stories is featured on The story comes from a woman named Martine. After reviewing photos from her cousin’s wedding in 2009, she decided she needed to make a change. Martine used the MyFitnessPal app to track her food choices and calorie counts. By 2014, she had lost a total of 130 pounds.

Martine attributes her success to the MyFitnessPal program. She had no idea of the number of calories she was consuming until she started using MyFitnessPal. She loves that she can easily find calorie counts at her favorite restaurants as well as figure out the calorie count on recipes she cooks with.

Another MyFitnessPal success story involves a woman named Julie Pabian. In 2009, Julie received a call from her doctor that changed her life forever. She was informed that she had breast cancer and would have to undergo a mastectomy along with full reconstructive surgery. Throughout all of the surgeries, Julie found comfort in food, developing unhealthy eating habits. This resulted in weight gain that contributed to Julie’s depression.

One day, Julie’s mom showed her some positive feedback about the MyFitnessPal app, and Julie decided to give it a try. She began tracking her food intake and was surprised at how many calories she was consuming. The combination of tracking her calorie intake with the app and exercising resulted in dramatic weight loss. In 2 ½ years, Julie had lost over 95 pounds.

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MyFitnessPal is a valuable tool for many individuals. The MyFitnessPal app and free calorie counter can help you track your calorie intake, making it easier to lose weight.

Individuals with conditions such as diabetes will also find the MyFitnessPal calorie counting app useful to calculate carbohydrates and calories for meals. Users can also gain support by joining the online forums and consulting with other users.

While many MyFitnessPal reviews show that users have had positive experiences, it is important to recognize that each individual is different. Some may find the process of entering information for their daily food intake cumbersome while others will love the accountability that MyFitnessPal provides.

In the event that you choose to stop using the MyFitnessPal app or website, it is easy to delete a MyFitnessPal account. No matter what your health and fitness goals are, MyFitnessPal is a wonderful tool available to you at no charge.

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