Intro: The Top 7 Real Estate Investor Websites and Strategies

It’s finally time – You’ve saved up a little money and you’re ready to invest it. The question is, what should you invest in to make your money grow? You may have heard the suggestion to look into a real estate investment business plan.

Even in times of down markets, many find it comfortable to own real estate. There’s something reassuring about owning an asset you can physically touch.

Real estate is a pretty popular answer to a difficult question. In 1959, journalist Armstrong Williams famously said, “Now, one thing I tell everyone is learn about real estate. Repeat after me: real estate provides the highest returns, the greatest values and the least risk.”

Best Real Estate Investor Website Emblem

Award Emblem: Top 7 Best Real Estate Investor Websites

Based on the advice of people in the know, making a real estate investment strategy seems like a logical plan. So, how can you make one and start to implement it if you have never invested in real estate before?

In order to make a solid real estate investment strategy, you’ll need to do your research and put a lot of thought into your new venture. It would also help if you happen to be the handy type that can flip houses (i.e., someone who can buy a cheap house, fix it up, and sell it for a profit). That said, these 7 real estate investing websites should get you off to a solid start.

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Top 7 Best Real Estate Investor Websites

Afford Anything
Clever Investor
Flip this Wholesaler
Green Real Estate Investing News
Just Ask Ben Why
The Real Estate Guys

Table: Top 7 Best Real Estate Investor Websites | Above list is sorted alphabetically

1. Afford Anything

One of the best real estate investing websites is called It came about when the owner, Paula, left her 9–5 job and purchased six rental properties. She now travels the world and sets her own hours.

Paula’s real estate investment strategy worked so well for her that she decided to start a website to teach people how she did it. Afford Anything is a great website for beginners because it doesn’t assume you already know everything about real estate investing right off the bat. It starts you out at the very beginning and explains that all you need to do to live the life you want is to “Mind the Gap”—that is, the difference between what you earn and what you spend.

Though this particular real estate investor website focuses on simply living well instead of exclusively on real estate investment strategies, it offers extensive articles and blog posts to help you on your way. It can help you change your thoughts on saving and spending money. More importantly, this real estate investor website is absolutely free to use. You can even sign up for its popular newsletter.

If you are interested in forming your own real estate investment business plan, Afford Anything in a great place to start.

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2. The Real Estate Guys

Are you an auditory learner? There are millions, maybe billions of people who will have an easier time listening to an interesting radio show than they would reading from a list of blog posts and articles. If you are one of them, you might want your new favorite real estate investor website to include a podcast.

If this sounds like something you might find helpful, consider giving The Real Estate Guys a listen. You certainly wouldn’t be alone. Many people subscribe to the podcast, and many more belong to its newsletter.

real estate investor websites

Image Source: BigStock

Co-hosts Robert Helms and Russell Gray have been hosting this radio show since 1997. They are often joined by interesting and influential people, such as Steve Forbes, of Forbes magazine, and Gary Johnson, the presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party. If these people aren’t qualified to help you form a real estate investment business plan, we don’t know who is.

A quick perusal of the website offers an overview of the types of real estate investment strategies you’ll get help with:

And many more.

Besides the fact that this real estate investor website offers three hundred episodes for your listening pleasure, it also has a newsletter to which you can subscribe and a Facebook page to keep up to date with what the guys are doing. They even answer listener questions, so if you want to hear your very own real estate investment strategy on the air, have a listen to The Real Estate Guys.

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3. Clever Investor

Accoding to InvestFourMore, “Founder Cody Sperber urges us to think of Clever Investor as the Disneyland for investors: filled with excellent free resources, insider tips, and a real estate investor community for beginners seeking to learn how to invest in real estate.” If that sounds to you like the best possible version of the happiest place on Earth, this might be the real estate investor website of your dreams.

Gradoise as it sounds, Mr. Sperger might just be right. The homepage to Clever Investor has tabs that offer, among other things, education, products, and even mentoring. In other words, everything you could need while forming your own real estate investment strategy.

This website is for people who might feel a little more insecure about making a real estate investment business plan alone. If you aren’t sure where to start, you can take advantage of the education offered or even get some hands-on help with Clever Investor’s mentoring program.

Clever Investor has over twenty thousand likes on Facebook, so its definitely doing something right. Check this real estate investor website out and see what a little cleverness can do for you.

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real estate investment business plan

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For the sake of argument, let’s say you don’t have all the money you need to start your real estate investment strategy quite yet, but you know you’ve found the perfect deal to make you rich. Your real estate investment business plan might include…well, it might include an investor. If that’s your scenario, you might be interested in the real estate investor website

The premise of DoHardMoney is that it offers loans to people with solid real estate investment business plans. If you are the handy type, it might be able to fund your house-flipping adventure. Its tagline is, “Every Good Deal Gets Funded… Guaranteed!” It offers an online loan application as well as a phone number you can call to get started. Based on the size and prominence of the phone number on the website, they’d love to hear from you.

If you aren’t quite ready for that big a step, you can take a while to read through the educational blog available. The site seems to post a great deal about deals it has invested in all over the country. It also offers a free CD and book, called How to Have More Money Than You Can Handle. Who doesn’t want more money than they can handle? If you do, this is the real estate investor website for you.

5. Flip this Wholesaler

Flip this Wholesaler” is a real estate investor website run by a lady named Steph, and it takes a different sort of approach to real estate investment strategies. Instead of focusing on people who have already made their fortunes and want to expand them, the tagline is, “Rags to Riches Real Estate.” That should tell you something important about both Steph and her website. She worked hard before she hit it rich as a flipper and real estate investor, and she wants to show you how you can do the same successfully.

This real estate investor website is unique because, instead of a long list of articles, Steph makes videos. Some people might find it more interactive and accordingly more helpful to get real estate investment strategy advice from a charming young lady than they would from a simple article. If you like Steph’s videos, you can even leave her comments.

Like some of the other real estate investing websites, Flip this Wholesaler offers members a chance to sign up for a free newsletter, advice about funding, and even mentoring services. If this real estate investor website sounds like just the ticket for you, don’t hesitate to head over to Steph’s blog today.

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6. Green Real Estate Investing News

With global warming in the news almost daily, I think we can all agree that it’s time to be more environmentally conscious than we used to be. That’s where our next real estate investor website, Green Real Estate Investing News, comes in. Its goal is to inform people building real estate investment business plans about products and services that can make their investment properties a little more green.

Green Real Estate has detailed the best way to install green lighting, the greenest appliances, and the greenest of all insulations along with many other topics. Not only is going green great for our dear old Mother Earth, but it can even save you money. This is one real estate investor website you won’t want to miss whether you’re new to real estate investing or an old hand.

The only trouble with this website seems to be that it hasn’t been updated in a while. When you try to view the videos, the channel can no longer be found on YouTube. But that doesn’t mean this website doesn’t have great ideas to add to your real estate investment business plan.

Did you know green houses actually sell for more? It’s true. Head over to Green Real Estate Investing News to find out more.

7. Just Ask Ben Why

Ben Lebovich is a Russian-born entrepreneur who never intended to be an entrepreneur at all. In fact, he started out life as an artist—he began playing the violin when he was only five years old. He never had any intention of learning the fine art of making a real estate investment strategy, let alone starting his own real estate investor website.

However, multiple sclerosis (MS) had other plans for him. While he was working on his MFA in music, he suffered his first debilitating bout of the disease. That’s when he had to pick himself up, turn himself around, and figure out how else to make a living if he couldn’t play the violin. That’s how his real estate investor website, Just Ask Ben Why, was born.

Besides his informational blog, Ben offers his Cash Flow Freedom University to teach you how to find the same success he has. There’s a waiting list for the classes, but you can sign up now for the next available opportunity. It’s a great place to start your estate investment strategy if you have some money to invest in your education.

In Conclusion…

Today, we have presented seven excellent real estate investor websites to visit if you are interested in making a real estate investment strategy. Each will provide excellent information for a new investor or even an investor with some experience under his or her belt.

Whatever your experience level, whatever your goal, good research and educating yourself can make all the difference in your success or failure. So, before you spend your hard-earned money on real estate, these real estate investor websites can help make sure you have a rock-solid real estate investment business plan. And good luck! We’ll be rooting for your financial success. 

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