Everything You Need to Know About Creating a Professional Business Email Account

With social media always on the rise, email may seem like a thing of the past. But in the business world, email for business is still alive, thriving, and highly important for communication.

In fact, around 28% of the average employee’s workday is dedicated to emails. That is why it is vitally important that your business email address or your company email address is professional and efficient.

This is your guide to help you set up a business email address that will help your business soar. We are offering six tips that will ensure you can set up your business email account with success.

These business email tips include:

  • Making sure your business email address is professional
  • Choosing the right business email providers to have the best email service for business
  • Utilizing all features and tech support
  • Finishing your company email set-up well

As you will soon see, creating a company email address is less daunting than it may seem. By reading through these email for business tips and then partnering with one of the top business email providers, your company email should be good to go in no time.

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Email for Business Tip #1: Use Your Own Domain Name

When it comes to a business email account, sounding and looking professional is extremely important.

business email address

Email for Business – Use Your Own Domain Name

That is why our first rule is to use your own domain name. Your business email address or company email address should never end with Gmail or Yahoo.

For example: [email protected]

You should always end your business email address with your own domain name, which would look like these:

So if your name is Pam Smith and your company is called “Business Solutions,” your business email address should read something like this:

If your company “Business Solutions” has many departments, each area should have its own business email address with your domain name:

Not only does this look professional, it is also easy to remember. And it leads people to your website instead of to websites like Google or Yahoo.

But possibly the #1 reason to switch your email for business to your company’s domain name is trust. If a person is unfamiliar with your business and sees an email from a random address, they may not open it and send it straight to spam.

We will get into how to have your own domain name in your company email address in tip #3.

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Email for Business Tip #2: Don’t Include Numbers or Nicknames

Let’s go back to talking about professionalism when it comes to your business email account. Your personal email may look something like this:

Your company email address should never have numbers, nicknames, hobbies, interests, etc. Your business email account should only have your name and the business domain name.

It would be a terrible decision to risk customers not opening your business email because they are afraid it is spam simply because you put a number or odd nickname in your company email address.

If a problem arises with duplicate addresses (maybe there are two people in your company with the name Richard, for example), simply add in last names, a middle initial, or a middle name to your business email address. All of these options are acceptable.

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Email for Business Tip #3: Choose Top Business Email Providers

Now, let’s talk about the popular companies that provide the best email service for business. You can sign up for your own domain name with company email through one of the top business email providers.

Instead of opening accounts on Gmail or Yahoo, you can go through a hosting company that is designed specifically for business email. Often, these business email providers will give you:

  • More space
  • Optimal spam filters
  • Extra security/privacy measures
  • High protection against malware
  • Better calendar tools
  • Remote access
  • No email outages
  • Recovery tools
  • Email backup
  • Larger attachment file options
  • Top-notch customer support

To get you started in finding which of the business email providers is right for you, here are some companies known for offering some of the best email service for business:

  • Zoho Mail: Prices range from free to $8 per user per month for a wide range of company email hosting options.
  • G Suite: This is Gmail’s big brother, so to speak. You are able to use Google’s workplace perks while also getting your own domain name business email account and extra storage with prices starting at $5 per user per month.
  • Microsoft Exchange Online: Microsoft has their own email for business hosting platform which ranges from $4 per user per month to $12.50 per user per month.
  • FastMail: Fastmail has been a business email host for over 15 years and has expanded to over 150 countries with prices ranging from $3 per month per user to $9 per month per user.
  • Rackspace: Rackspace is one of the top business email account hosting services that can be incorporated with Office 365, Exchange, or their own Rackspace email, with prices starting as low as $2 per user per month.
  • Atmail: This company email address host offers cloud options and on-premise options from 1.58 per user per month.

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Email For Business Tip #5: Know the Needs of Small vs. Big Business

If you are a small business owner with one employee (yourself) or only a couple other employees, your business email account needs will be different from a business that employs 100,000 people.

It is important to recognize that small businesses and large businesses need some similar and some different features when choosing the best email service for business,.

Small Business Email

Do not think that since you are only a one-person show that you do not need to choose real business email support from one of these hosting business email providers. You will want to run your business email address just as smoothly as any Fortune 500 company.

Top factors for you will be:

  • Low cost for small businesses (some services offer free company email hosting for very small businesses)
  • Options for growth
  • Strong support (since you probably will not have any IT help)

Large Business Email

And if you are a massively large business with countless employees, you will want to be extremely careful about which business email providers you choose. Top factors for you will include:

  • Security/privacy issues
  • Streamlining
  • Group sharing
  • Protection against system failure

Email for Business Tip #4: Utilize All the Features

The best email service for business will offer you plenty of features that help you optimize your business email account. They are there for a reason, so implement them.

These could include:

  • Advanced analytics: Allows you to see what is really happening with company email
  • Admin controls: Hands you options to control security, users, and verification processes
  • Custom logos: Gives your creative expression in your business email
  • DropBox integrations: Offers more organization
  • Group sharing: Creates faster collaboration between each business email address in your company
  • Integration: Lets you join your business email account with your other office functions like calendars or drives (when you use business email providers that offer other business services)

Email for Business Tip #4: Utilize All the Features

Business Email Account

  • Mobile device features: Recognizes that employees will probably be sending an email for business through their phones just as often as they do their computers
  • Support: Becomes your business email account IT department when you do not have a full IT department

Keep in mind that many added features will cost you. The more email for business features you have, the more you will often pay per person/per month.

It is wise to decide which business email account features will best serve you, and which ones you can skip.

Email for Business Tip #6: Set Up Your Signature

The last important step for setting up your business email account is for you and each of your employees to make a professional email signature for company email on both the computer and all mobile devices.

Your business email address signature can be as simple as your name, your company, your title, and your phone number. Or it could also include the company logo, employee image, links to a website, and links to social media.

There is a balance between providing helpful information and great links and overfilling your business email address signature. No need to include:

  • Too much information about your job description
  • More than one phone number
  • Your company email address (they already have it because you emailed them)
  • More than one website link
  • Phrases like “Follow me on Facebook” (simply add a link for them to click)
  • Full address

This may be the last thing clients, peers, customers, or investors see, so make it a strong and lasting impression. If you want a professional signature on your email for business, you can always try one of the signature companies like WiseStamp that offer templates.

Conclusion – Setting up Your Business Email Account

Now that you have all the main tips for setting up a professional business email address that will work efficiently for your company, you can get started.

A great place to begin is checking out the links above for business email providers. When you choose the one that offers the best email service for business for you (with a price point you can afford); you can then focus on the other business email address tips.

Remember your company email will often be the greatest (or the only) method of communication or marketing other people will see. In the same way you would not show up to a meeting in messy clothes, your email should not be messy either.

Taking the time to set up email for business that is professional and easy-to-use is definitely worth your time.

Image Sources:
  • https://pixabay.com/photos/laptop-human-hands-keyboard-typing-820274/
  • https://pixabay.com/en/finger-smartphone-screen-pressing-2056030/

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