Does Fit Tea Work to Help You Lose Weight? Or is it Just Another Diet Craze?

Can tea really help detoxify your body, reduce bloating, and help you lose weight? Does skinny tea really work? Some people swear by this type of drink, while others aren’t so sure.

Fit Tea is one of the most popular tea detoxes for health and weight loss on the market. You’ll find it on the shelves in stores like Walmart, GNC, and The Vitamin Shoppe.

fit tea reviews

Fit Tea Review – Does Fit Tea Work?

This tea is promoted as being a healthy lifestyle drink that cleanses your digestive system, has antioxidants, and helps burn off calories for weight loss. The promise of losing weight is a big attraction for this product.

But what does Fit Tea do exactly? Can you really lose weight by drinking it?

For this AdvisoryHQ News Fit Tea review, we’ve researched the company’s own study on Fit Tea results as well as multiple Fit Tea reviews to get to the bottom of this all-natural tea.

You’ll get the scoop on questions like, “Does Fit Tea make you poop?” and “Are there any Fit Tea side effects?”. We’ll also go through some Fit Tea before and after stories to see if a majority of customers believe in this product or not.

If you’ve been wondering whether to buy a pack of Fit Tea to lose a few extra pounds, read on to find out if this diet tea really works.

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AdvisoryHQ Fit Tea Review | How Does Fit Tea Work?

Fit Tea isn’t a one-time detox, according to the company, it’s meant to be a part of your daily routine, along with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

So, if you tend to eat junk food and don’t exercise much, its impacts are going to be limited.

Fit Tea ingredients include a blend of organic herbs, including green tea, formulated to “enhance your weight management” program. On the company’s website, there’s a video that explains how to use green tea for weight loss.

What does Fit Tea do to help you lose weight? Here are the benefits the company mentions.

Fit Tea Review: Benefits of Green Tea for Weight Loss

  • It helps you burn more fat when you exercise
  • It contains EGCG (health-promoting compound) & Antioxidants
  • It improves hormonal levels and mobilizes fat
  • It helps you get rid of dangerous “visceral” fat (aka abdominal fat)
  • It boosts your metabolism over the short-term and long-term

How Does Fit Tea Work with Your Daily Routine?

The company recommends drinking 1 cup of Fit Tea Detox a day in the morning. They also say that to get the best results you should:

  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
  • Exercise 3-5 times a week
  • Eat healthy, balanced meals

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The Prices You’ll Pay for Fit Tea Results

The company has a number of Fit Tea products that come pre-packaged for ease of use. They also sell a few complimentary products as well like Fit Tea Body Wraps and Fit Coffee (for those that like their java!).

A Fit Tea review of their tea products shows they sell two main formats. One is in individual teabags that are used in hot water and the other is in a powdered form that can be added directly to a water bottle.

Fit Tea Drinks Website Pricing:

  • 14-day Detox pack: $24.99
  • 28-day Detox pack: $44.99
  • Fit Tea Sticks, 14-Day Detox: $24.99

what does fit tea do? Where Else Can You Buy Fit Tea?

Where Else Can You Buy Fit Tea?

You can also find this diet tea at the following retailers:

  • Amazon
  • Bed Bath & Beyond
  • GNC
  • The Vitamin Shoppe
  • Walmart

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Fit Tea Ingredients & Fit Tea Side Effects to Watch Out For

One common question with detoxifying drinks is about what’s in them. Many wonder, “Does Fit Tea make you poop?” or “Does it contain a laxative of some kind?”.

There are no laxatives in the Fit Tea ingredients list. You may run across other diet teas (not Fit Tea) with “senna” as an ingredient and this plant extract is known to act as a laxative, thus making you poop more.

So, does Fit Tea make you poop more? It does contain caffeine, which is a mild diuretic. Overall, it depends upon your system and sensitivity to caffeine. But just like some people feel the need to “go” after drinking a cup of coffee and other’s don’t, Fit Tea could give a similar response.

If you have food allergies then you’ll like the fact that Fit Tea ingredients are:

  • Gluten-free
  • Dairy-free
  • Soy-free
  • Non-GMO

That last one, FDA CGMP, refers to it complying with Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations enforced by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. 

Fit Tea Ingredients List

  • Organic Green Tea
  • Oolong Wu Yi
  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract
  • Pomegranate
  • Organic Rooibos
  • Ginger
  • Stevia
  • Honey
  • Guarana
  • Citric Acid
  • Sea Salt (electrolytes)
  • Lemon Juice
  • Matcha Green Tea

Are there Any Fit Tea Side Effects?

Not many people have reported side effects from Fit Tea according to the company. In a clinical study that they did to address the question, “Does skinny tea work?”, they noted that out of 50 participants, 12 of them reported Fit Tea side effects.

These were the Fit Tea side effects reported and a number of participants reporting them:

  • Boating (2)
  • Irritability (1)
  • Anxiety (1)
  • Insomnia (2)
  • Nausea (2)
  • Vomiting (2)
  • Diarrhea (3)
  • Headache (3)
  • Other (2)

We mentioned a Fit Tea clinical study, and we’re getting into that data next!

Fit Tea Reviews | Weight Loss Study

You may see celebrities like the Kardashians posting photos of themselves with their own Fit Tea reviews on Instagram or YouTube, but these are paid celebrity endorsements. They’re not really a certified study about what Fit Tea does for weight loss.

The company has listed on their site Fit Tea results from a clinical study that they sponsored to answer the question, “What does Fit Tea do for weight loss and wellness?”.

For the clinical Fit Tea review, they enrolled 50 participants, 41 women and 9 men, ages 18 to 60. The study was to answer the question, “Does Fit Tea work?” and show results from the 28-day detox.

The study included 6 different visits with the participants to check on their ongoing Fit Tea results and assess things like weight loss, energy, appetite, and concentration changes.

Fit Tea Clinical Review Results after 28 days:

  • Average pounds lost: 2
  • Percentage of participants that lost weight: 55%
  • Number of participants (out of 50) that lost 3 or more pounds: 24
  • Number of participants (out of 50) that lost 5 or more pounds: 14
  • Percentage of participants with increased energy: 86%
  • Percentage of participants with better concentration: 84%
  • Percentage of participants with a decrease in appetite: 94%

While some may not think losing an average of 2 pounds in 28 days is very dramatic, it’s actually a safer way to lose weight than a crash diet. Losing too much weight too fast can be unhealthy and also tends to lead to putting the weight back on after the diet is over.

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Does Skinny Tea Work? | Fit Tea Reviews from Users

Now it’s time to see those Fit Tea before and after-effects. Do customers really think Fit Tea works? Or was it a pipe diet dream?

We’ve gathered highlights from multiple Fit Tea reviews on the web to bring you the compliments and complaints about this skinny tea.

We’ll start with the Fit Tea reviewers that didn’t feel the tea was worth it for them, then hear from some happy customers. After we highlight individual Fit Tea reviews, we’ll go over the ratings the product has on various review sites.

Fit Tea Reviews & Overall Ratings:

  • Amazon – 3.7 out of 5 (415 Fit Tea reviews)
  • GNC – 3.8 out of 5 (40 Fit Tea reviews)
  • Influenster – 4 out of 5 (1,224 Fit Tea reviews)
  • Sitejabber – 4.9 out of 5 (10 Fit Tea reviews)

Fit Tea Review Highlights | The Complaints

  • A GNC reviewer said they and their fiance tried the 14-day detox but didn’t see any difference. They gave a 1-star Fit Tea review and said there was no weight loss and they didn’t feel more energized at all.
  • In a Fit Tea review on Amazon, the reviewer said they lost 7 pounds during the 28-day detox, but credited that to just having a healthy diet and exercising. They didn’t think the tea did much and didn’t feel it gave them any added energy.
  • Side effects were a complaint in another negative Fit Tea review. They said they did not experience any weight loss, but instead felt constipated and had headaches.
  • Even though the product tasted great, one reviewer said they didn’t feel anything at all from it. They were hoping it would ease their constipation and help them drop a few pounds, but it wasn’t what they expected.

Fit Tea Review Highlights | The Compliments

  • In a positive Amazon Fit Tea review, the reviewer credited the tea with helping them think differently about what they put into their bodies. They said it gave them clarity about their health and thus they made other positive lifestyle changes like exercising and eating better.
  • Another happy tea drinker said they used to rely on coffee for their morning boost, but tea was a healthier choice. It also helped curb food cravings and gave them more energy.
  • Losing 3 pounds and 3 inches in 7 days was the Fit Tea before and after results in a skinny tea review at GNC. They were very pleased with Fit Tea and gave the product 5 stars.
  • A happy Fit Tea drinker that has been using the drink on and off for 6 months said they felt a difference within the first four days. Their Fit Tea review said the tea tasted great and they noticed feeling less hungry and have seen inches come off after adding diet and exercise changes.

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AdvisoryHQ’s Fit Tea Review Conclusion

Unfortunately, there is no magic drink that’s going to instantly give you energy and melt pounds off instantly. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t any benefit to Fit Tea and products like it.

Conclusion - fit tea reviewFit Tea Reviews

So, what does Fit Tea do? It does a few things that help a majority of the reviewers that gave product ratings. These include:

  • It can give people a starting point to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
  • Through natural ingredients, it can have a positive impact on energy and suppressing appetite.
  • It provides antioxidants that can help overall health.

The all-natural and non-GMO Fit Tea ingredients make it a positive choice for those looking for a fitness/diet tea. The side effects noted tend to be on the mild side and experienced only by a small percentage of tea drinkers.

Both those that gave high ratings and low ratings in a Fit Tea review tend to agree that the tea tastes great, even if they disagree about their own Fit Tea results.

The company does not overstate the benefits of Fit Tea, which is a positive sign of a legitimate company. The tea is also widely available online or in-store at various retailers, which also goes to the quality and reputation of the product.

If you’re looking for a path to being a healthier you and have realistic expectations of what anyone product can do for you, then Fit Tea may be a great option to jumpstart your goals.

No product can produce a miracle without the lifestyle changes that go along with being at a healthy weight, like a good diet and exercise. However, for many, Fit Tea has given them a path to adopting positive life changes with a healthy, great-tasting tea.

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Dietary Supplement - Fit Tea
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Fit Tea