Is Pure Garcinia Cambogia Plus Really Worth It?

If you follow trends within the weight loss industry, you’ve likely already heard of garcinia cambogia, the supposed miracle extract that can help you shed pounds. Among others, promised results include increased weight loss, decreased appetite, and even higher energy levels throughout the day.

With the popularity of garcinia extract booming, there are plenty of brands and products to choose from, including Garcinia Cambogia Plus. But how do you know if garcinia plus supplements are worth it? Will garcinia cambogia plus really boost your weight loss and help you reach your health goals?

If you’re interested in trying pure garcinia cambogia plus but aren’t sure if it is right for, you, keep reading—this AdvisoryHQ review was created especially for you.

We’ll take a close look at two popular garcinia plus products and garcinia cambogia plus reviews to help you decide whether adding this supplement to your daily routine is the best decision for your health.

See Also: Garcinia Cambogia Reviews – Things You Should Know

Garcinia Plus | What is Garcinia Plus?

Before diving into garcinia plus, let’s look at what garcinia cambogia supplements are and what they do.

Garcinia cambogia is a citrus fruit found in India and Asia. Garcinia cambogia supplements contain hydroxycitric acid (HCA), an extract which allegedly supports a wide range of health benefits.

While the primary reported benefit of garcinia cambogia supplements is increased weight loss, some have experienced other benefits like:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Reduced cravings for sugary or unhealthy foods
  • Feeling happier and more energetic
  • More energy and better ability to concentrate
  • Better bowel movements
  • Better cholesterol
  • Stabilized levels of blood sugar

Garcinia Plus | What is Garcinia Plus?

What is Garcinia Cambogia Plus?

Now that you know what garcinia cambogia is, what does that mean for garcinia cambogia plus? Is it an accelerated form of the extract? Will garcinia plus help you reach your weight loss goals at an accelerated rate?

Despite the potentially misleading addition of “plus” on the label, this AdvisoryHQ review found little evidence to support a better or accelerated formula.

Both types of supplements claim to provide the same benefits—and while the exact composition will vary from one brand to the next, the difference between the two types of garcinia cambogia supplements is not drastic enough to warrant any real change in expected results.

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Garcinia Plus | Garcinia Cambogia Plus Reviews

Looking at garcinia cambogia plus reviews from actual users is a great way to see what types of results (if any at all) you can expect while taking garcinia cambogia supplements.

In the sections below, we’ll give you an overview of two of the most popular garcinia plus formulas on the market: Forever Garcinia Plus® and Nutratech Garcinia Plus.

Forever Garcinia Plus® | Garcinia Cambogia Extract Reviews

Forever Garcinia Plus® has over 30 reviews on Amazon, giving the product an overall rating of 3.2 stars out of 5. Approximately 53 percent of garcinia cambogia plus reviews give a full 5-star rating, while 26 percent give their experience only 1 star.

Positive garcinia cambogia plus reviews praise Forever Garcinia Plus for keeping their appetite in check and helping them feel fuller for longer, two factors which have helped them reach their weight loss goals.

One garcinia plus reviewer reports significant weight loss results from Forever Garcinia Plus®, saying: “I have lost 15 pounds in one month, I’am [sic] very happy, and ready to come order more of Forever Garcinia Plus.”

Another reviewer states that garcinia plus works, but only with an established exercise and diet routine.

Critical reviews of Forever Garcinia Plus® largely report that the product simply didn’t work as advertised. Others say that they experienced side effects like chest pain and urinary tract issues.

Diet Pills Watchdog gives Forever Garcinia Plus® a low review of 1.6 stars out of 5, saying they would not recommend this garcinia cambogia supplement because:

The manufacturers offer a garbled explanation of how the product should work, which links unrelated body mechanisms. For example, they link inhibiting the storing of new fat with increased fat burning- two completely different mechanisms.

The main ingredient is Garcinia Cambogia, which in studies has proven to be highly unreliable and unpredictable. The placebo group lost more weight than the garcinia cambogia taking group in one trial, which could even suggest that it inhibits weight loss.

Garcinia Plus | Garcinia Cambogia Plus ReviewsGarcinia Cambogia Extract Reviews

Nutratech Garcinia Plus | Garcinia Cambogia Extract Reviews

Nutratech Garcinia Plus has an impressive reputation on Amazon, with nearly 500 reviews and an overall rating of 4.3 stars out of 5. The product claims to be all natural, gluten free, filler free, and without any artificial ingredients.

Overall, garcinia cambogia plus reviews for Nutratech are overwhelmingly positive, with 80 percent of users giving their experience a full 5-star rating. Users report losing as much as four pounds in a week, feeling less hungry, and increased energy levels.

Although some weight loss has been quick, others report gradual and natural weight loss results over a period of time. For example, one reviewer says:

It’s taken about 3 weeks but I’ve lost 9 pounds and I’m losing it at a nice pace and not starving myself. I think it’s definitely worth giving a try.

On the other hand, critical garcinia cambogia extract reviews on Nutratech state that the product simply did not work, with some users reporting digestive upset, headaches, and even joint inflammation as possible side effects.

Interestingly, while searching through negative Nutratech Garcinia Plus reviews, we found evidence that may cast doubt as to whether positive reviews are genuine and unbiased. In the image below, you can see an alleged notice from the company offering a free bottle in exchange for a 5-star review.

garcinia cambogia extract reviews

Garcinia Cambogia Plus Reviews

This may be why Nutratech has such a low rating on Fakespot, a website that analyzes patterns and verbiage in Amazon reviews to determine whether they are genuine or not. According to Fakespot, although Nutratech Garcinia Plus has a high percentage of 5-star reviews, the general sentiment is neutral.

Reviewer patterns point to possible deception and the quality of content is low, earning Nutratech Garcinia Plus a 3-star rating out of 5 for trustworthiness.

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Conclusion: Is Garcinia Cambogia Plus Worth it?

Is pure garcinia cambogia plus worth it? Could garcinia plus pills help you achieve your weight loss goals? Based on user reviews, Nutratech Garcinia Plus appears to be one of the most effective weight loss supplements on the market, while Forever Garcinia Plus® is somewhat less effective.

Unfortunately, reviews from users on Amazon should always be compared and contrasted with outside sources. Based on feedback from Diet Pills Watchdog, the Forever Garcinia Plus® supplements fail to support their weight loss claims with scientific studies and proven results—a missing link that all garcinia supplements share.

Although Nutratech Garcinia Plus has an impressive range of positive garcinia cambogia extract reviews, there is reason to believe that not all of these reviews are genuine. Shoppers should always approach products with incentivized reviews with caution, as the reviewers are clearly getting something in return for their statement.

Still, the basic elements of garcinia cambogia may have a small impact on your health, and for some, it is possible that their results are genuine, earning garcinia plus an overall 2-star rating.

No matter what you choose, it’s important to remember that garcinia cambogia supplements are not the miracle cure to help you get a smaller waist.

Take the time to look through garcinia cambogia plus reviews to spot the potential pros and cons; read the entire ingredients list; and as always, have a conversation about your health with your doctor before ordering any type of supplement.

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Dietary Supplement - Garcinia Cambogia Plus
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Garcinia Cambogia Plus