Comprehensive Overview of Garcinia Cambogia Pills: Everything You Need to Know

If you have started to research diet pills and weight loss plans, it’s likely that you have heard of garcinia cambogia. Extracts, pills, and supplements from this fruit have exploded in popularity, with a wide range of potential results ranging from better cholesterol to appetite suppression.

Before you start taking any new supplement, it’s always a good idea to do your research to ensure that you are pursuing better health in a safe and effective way.

This AdvisoryHQ garcinia cambogia review will take an in-depth look at this popular health and weight loss supplement, answering questions like:

  • What is garcinia cambogia?
  • What’s in garcinia cambogia?
  • What kind of results can I expect from taking garcinia cambogia?
  • Is garcinia cambogia effective, or is it a scam?

If you’ve been considering taking garcinia cambogia extract, but aren’t sure whether the health benefits are worth it, read on—this garcinia cambogia review was created to help you make the best decision for your health and wellness!

See Also: Does Garcinia Cambogia Work?

AdvisoryHQ Garcinia Cambogia Review | What is Garcinia Cambogia?

The garcinia cambogia fruit grows throughout Asia and India. With a similar shape and color to a pumpkin, garcinia cambogia is easy to spot and is often used as both a condiment and a flavoring agent.

Although weight loss is one of the most commonly claimed benefits of garcinia cambogia extract, there are other ways that garcinia cambogia may help with your health. Some users have reported benefits like:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Reduced cravings for sugary or unhealthy foods
  • Feeling happier and more energetic
  • More energy and better ability to concentrate
  • Better bowel movements
  • Better cholesterol
  • Stabilized levels of blood sugar

garcinia cambogia fruit

Garcinia Cambogia Fruit

What’s in Garcinia Cambogia?

Over the past few years, garcinia cambogia has been applauded as a supplement to boost weight loss and support better overall health—but what’s in garcinia cambogia that makes it so popular as a health supplement?

Found in the rind, the garcinia cambogia fruit contains an active ingredient called HCA, or hydroxycitric acid. In its purest form, garcinia cambogia contains naturally occurring sugars, acids, vitamins, and minerals, but the garcinia cambogia ingredients in pills and extracts may have a variety of additional ingredients.

For example, the additional garcinia cambogia ingredients in this supplement include:

  • Rice flour
  • Gelatin
  • Silica
  • Vegetable magnesium stearate

Not all garcinia cambogia ingredients will be beneficial to all users, which makes it important to read the label, research each ingredient, and discuss taking garcinia cambogia pills with your doctor beforehand.

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Garcinia Cambogia Review | Common Garcinia Cambogia Results

What kind of garcinia cambogia results can you expect? Of course, the degree of effects will vary from one person to the next, but the results below reflect the results of garcinia cambogia pure extract in scientific studies.

Weight Loss

Studies have shown that garcinia cambogia extract may help with low levels of weight loss by blocking adenosine triphosphate-citrate-lyase, an enzyme that helps create fat cells.

However, results from weight loss studies have been mixed, with some experiencing a decrease in weight and others not at all. Even then, the difference in weight loss by adding garcinia cambogia extract is not always significant.

For example, in 2011, the Journal of Obesity published a study that showed an average weight loss difference of two pounds between those who took garcinia cambogia pills or extract, and those who did not. Based on this study, the difference is minimal—but most researchers agree that additional studies are needed to truly understand the potential of garcinia cambogia to aid in weight loss.

Decreased Appetite

While not true for all, studies suggest that the HCA found in the rind of the garcinia cambogia fruit may also play a part in appetite suppression. HCA can increase the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps to stabilize mood levels and produce feels of happiness or calmness.

For some people, increased levels of serotonin can reduce their cravings for fatty or “comfort” food, effectively decreasing their appetite and supplementing weight loss.

Decreased Cholesterol

Studies have suggested that there is a small chance that the HCA in garcinia cambogia extract or pills may lower cholesterol. This is done through lowering triglycerides and raising HDL (which is the good kind of cholesterol).

However, WebMD is quick to point out that garcinia cambogia pills are not a recommended option for those who are already on cholesterol medication. Additionally, the effects of garcinia cambogia on high cholesterol are minimal, meaning that it should only be used to supplement other treatment methods, like a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Stabilized Levels of Blood Sugar

Finally, another commonly reported benefit of garcinia cambogia extract is controlled blood sugar levels. Studies show that garcinia cambogia may improve the way that cells convert sugar into energy, which may improve the body’s response to insulin.

In contrast, taking garcinia cambogia extract may have the opposite effect, bringing blood sugar levels down too low. If you’re considering adding garcinia cambogia pills to your daily health routine for blood sugar management, it’s best to speak with your doctor first.

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Garcinia Cambogia Customer Reviews | Popular Brands of Garcinia Cambogia Pills

Finding unbiased, objective, and comparative garcinia cambogia real reviews from actual users is challenging. First, many pure garcinia cambogia reviews are sales-based, meaning that they are provided for the purpose of attracting new customers.

Second, garcinia reviews on specific brands or supplement blends can be difficult to compare. Because garcinia cambogia pills are not regulated by the FDA, one brand may have a completely different set of ingredients than the next, which makes it difficult to make an objective comparison.

Despite these challenges, garcinia cambogia customer reviews are a great way to see what types of results, side-effects, and experiences you can expect when taking garcinia cambogia pure extract diet pills.

In the sections below, we’ll highlight the pros and cons of these pills from garcinia cambogia real reviews from actual customers.

Garcinia Cambogia Reviews | New Life Botanicals

One of the most popular brands of garcinia cambogia pills is New Life Botanicals, which claims to have the highest percentage of HCA (garcinia cambogia extract). With nearly 500 garcinia cambogia reviews, shoppers give this product an overall rating of 3.1 stars out of 5.

Twenty-nine percent of garcinia cambogia reviewers gave a full 5-star rating, saying that they have noticed a difference in their appetite, food cravings, and energy levels. One garcinia cambogia reviewer says that adding the diet pills into her fitness routine helped her lose four pounds in a week, noting that she “also had more energy and was overall in a better mood.”

Thirty-one percent of garcinia cambogia reviewers gave New Life Botanicals a 1-star rating, the lowest possible score. The most common complaint among negative garcinia reviews is that the pills simply did not work, even for users with an established diet and workout routine.

Garcinia cambogia real reviews are filled with warning to other shoppers to stay away and to “not waste money on this product.”

what is garcinia cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia Real Reviews

Garcinia Cambogia Reviews | Quality Encapsulations

Quality Encapsulations has over 11,200 garcinia cambogia reviews on Amazon, giving the formula an overall rating of 4.1 stars out of 5. According to pure garcinia cambogia reviews, the majority of users are highly satisfied, with 56 percent giving a full 5-star rating.

Many garcinia cambogia reviewers state that the product is both affordable and effective. The most common garcinia cambogia results include increased energy, suppressed appetite, and increased weight loss (when combined with an existing exercise and diet routine).

Sixteen percent of garcinia cambogia reviews on Quality Encapsulations state that the product had absolutely no effect at all on their overall health, energy levels, or weight loss goals.

Pure Garcinia Cambogia Reviews | NatureWise

NatureWise garcinia cambogia pills have over 14,200 reviews from customers, with an overall rating of 4.0 out of 5 stars. In total, 59 percent of garcinia cambogia reviewers gave a full 5-star rating, reporting great results.

Many garcinia cambogia reviews come from users who added the extract to their exercise and diet routine to lose anywhere between 10-60 pounds. However, this AdvisoryHQ garcinia cambogia review found two problems with the positive reviews listed on Amazon.

First, the company is offering free bottles of garcinia cambogia pills in exchange for online reviews. While it is unclear as to whether NatureWise is pushing for positive reviews, this does raise questions as to whether users are leaving garcinia reviews based on their own experience or simply to receive a free bottle.

Second, one of the most popular “real” garcinia cambogia customer reviews is likely not real at all. User Katrina Rasmussen has brought in over 1,650 ratings from shoppers that found her review helpful, with a glowing review and progress photos.

garcinia cambogia reviews

Garcinia Cambogia Customer Reviews

As pointed out in the comments, however, the progress photos don’t necessarily look like the same person, which casts doubt as to whether this particular garcinia cambogia review is real.

Further research shows that Katrina Rasmussen has left very similar reviews—while using the exact same images—for three other weight loss products on Amazon, including ThermBurn, Cellucor, and Belly Blaster. Because these products all have the same effect, it seems unlikely that anyone would use all of them at the same time.

Are garcinia cambogia customer reviews on Amazon fake? Unfortunately, instances like these—even if they are few and far between—can do significant damage to a product’s perceived legitimacy.

Potential users should also consider that some garcinia cambogia reviewers mention that Dr. Oz has publicly endorsed NatureWise as a top-performing garcinia cambogia extract, a connection which we will explore further in the sections below.

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Garcinia Cambogia Review | Is Garcinia Cambogia Effective?

As one of the newest diet and health fads, garcinia cambogia extract is attracting a lot of attention, particularly from its wide range of potential benefits. But is garcinia cambogia really that effective? Should everyone be taking garcinia cambogia pills?

Opinions are largely divided on the effectiveness of garcinia cambogia. While many users claim that garcinia cambogia pure extract has provided significant health benefits—particularly when it comes to weight loss—scientists and researchers are quick to point out that the link between garcinia cambogia pills and weight loss is largely inconclusive.

In many cases, this is simply because not enough studies have been done. For example, in an interview with Women’s Health, medical weight-loss expert Sue Decotiis, MD, says:

Most brands of garcinia cambogia extract diet pills, including big names, have failed independent laboratory quality and quantity testing…Also, there have been no large-scale trials comparing garcinia to placeboes or other supplements. There probably will never be any objective data on garcinia.

A 2013 study found that animal and human subjects showed appetite reduction and increased serotonin levels when taking a form of garcinia cambogia extract. (It was also found that these subjects also had a genetic predisposition to weight management.) Ultimately, the study showed contradicting results (with some subjects even gaining weight), stating the need for additional research.

While some individual users have had great results, without a strong foundation of trial-based research, it’s difficult to tell whether garcinia cambogia is effective on a large-scale basis.

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Garcinia Cambogia Review | Is Garcinia Cambogia a Scam?

When considering whether garcinia cambogia is a scam, it’s important to remember that, because these pills are a supplement and not a medication, they are not regulated by the FDA.

This means that manufacturers of garcinia cambogia extract have the ability to determine the percentage of garcinia cambogia, as well as any additional ingredients.

Does that mean that there is a garcinia cambogia scam? Are the supposed benefits of garcinia cambogia extract all a lie? There is a significant amount of evidence that the weight loss benefits of garcinia cambogia have been mis-advertised and blown out of proportion, namely by television sensation Dr. Oz.

Garcinia Cambogia Pure Extract Review

In an article titled “Here are 7 ‘Miracle Products’ Dr. Oz Had Peddled,” The Huffington Post highlights garcinia cambogia pills as one of the weight loss fads that Dr. Oz endorsed. In fact, a class action lawsuit was filed in 2016, claiming that:

  • Oz knowingly endorsed garcinia cambogia extract without any scientific proof of its effectiveness
  • Oz failed to disclose paid spokespersons to endorse garcinia cambogia pills

As of 2017, claims of fraud, negligent misrepresentation, and violations of consumer protection remain with the court. Although it addresses a specific brand of garcinia cambogia pills by Labrada, this lawsuit brings to light how easy it is for supplement manufacturers to overemphasize and mislead users on the potential health benefits.

The internet is overrun by overemphasized benefits of garcinia cambogia extract, with “news reports” that read much more like an advertisement or sales funnel. Few scientific reports or medical studies exist on garcinia cambogia, which likely means that garcinia cambogia results are not promising enough to warrant further study by the medical community.

Is garcinia cambogia a scam? On its own, the garcinia cambogia fruit is anything but a scam. It has legitimate uses in cooking and traditional health across India and Asia—but when it comes to garcinia cambogia pills, the line between “scam” and “legitimate” becomes a little blurry.

If you’re purchasing them as a magic cure for weight loss, you may find that yes, the advertised benefits of garcinia cambogia pills are a scam. Based on garcinia cambogia reviews from health professionals, the afore-mentioned lawsuit, questionable reviews, and a lack of scientific evidence and study, the reportedly powerful weight loss capabilities of garcinia cambogia appear to be significantly exaggerated.

Conclusion: Is Garcinia Cambogia Extract Worth It?

Is garcinia cambogia pure extract worth it? Should you add garcinia cambogia extract diet pills to your daily health and wellness routine? That depends on what you are looking to get out of it.

If you already have an established diet and exercise routine—and have some extra cash you burn—you may want to consider trying garcinia cambogia. Based on garcinia cambogia reviews, the best way to approach this extract is to:

  • Add garcinia cambogia to an existing exercise routine
  • Be aware that results will likely be very gradual over time
  • Understand that there is a chance that you may not see any results at all

It’s important to remember that garcinia cambogia pills are not a miracle supplement; they are not the end-all cure to a smaller waist.

The few scientific and medical studies that exist do show a faint correlation between garcinia cambogia extract, better health, and weight loss—but this small correlation has become exaggerated over time by supplement manufacturers, earning garcinia cambogia extract diet pills an overall 2-star rating out of 5.

The basic properties of garcinia cambogia may have a small effect on your health, but certainly not the drastic weight loss promised by garcinia cambogia advertisements and “reviews.”

Does this mean that garcinia cambogia extract won’t work for you? It certainly might—many people have added garcinia cambogia pills to their health and fitness routine and have had great success. Just keep in mind that the research surrounding the positive effects of garcinia cambogia pure extract is inconclusive; do not be fooled by a guarantee that it will work wonders for you.

Take garcinia cambogia reviews with a grain of salt; make sure to read the entire list of ingredients for any garcinia cambogia pills; and of course, speak with your doctor before adding any supplement to your daily routine.

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