Overview: Everything You Need To Know About Nutrisystem 

Fad diets and weight loss programs flood the market, all claiming to be the next best method to help you shed a few pounds quickly and easily. Most consumers have already heard of Nutrisystem, and many people are claiming success with its weight loss and dieting plans. 

However, other consumers are still uncertain, worried about the Nutrisystem cost. How much is Nutrisystem? How much does Nutrisystem cost per week? What plans are available that affect the Nutrisystem cost? 

Consumers are asking all of these questions and more, and rightfully so. Diet programs can easily be a drain on your finances, so it’s important to know and understand the Nutrisystem prices before making a long-term commitment to their program.

If you’ve been wondering if this program is for you, join us as we evaluate what the Nutrisystem monthly cost would be on your finances.

nutrisystem cost and prices

Image Source: Nutrisystem

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How Much Does Nutrisystem Cost?

The very basic question—how much does Nutrisystem cost?—comes with a slightly complicated answer. Nutrisystem prices are easy to find on their website, but you first have to consider exactly which plan fits your needs and lifestyle the best.

The Nutrisystem cost per month will vary depending on how picky you are, how much weight you want to lose, and how much help you might want with your diet.

If you’ve been wondering how much Nutrisystem is, you probably also want to know what is included in the cost of your monthly plan. The basis of the Nutrisystem diet is to eat well-portioned meals with good nutritional value more frequently throughout the day. As a result, you will receive several smaller meals and snacks for you to munch on—these are factored into your Nutrisystem monthly cost.

Women receive four meals each day, while men will receive five meals each day, which accommodates their need for a higher daily caloric intake.

Both receive breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but men will get two snacks in their packages, while women will receive only one. During the first week of your program, the Nutrisystem cost also includes two shakes for each day to help you kickstart your diet with a much stricter caloric intake.

Each of the possible Nutrisystem plans includes four weeks’ worth of prepackaged meals, giving you the cost of Nutrisystem per month only.

There are à la carte options for users who have already been through the program and are looking to maintain their weight loss past the initial program. The prepackaged meals and snacks will need to be supplemented with small trips to the grocery store for fresh foods, including purchasing fruits and vegetables.

How much does Nutrisystem cost for each plan, and is it really worth it? In the upcoming section, we will break down each of the three major plan types to see what is included in the Nutrisystem prices so you can better determine if it is worth the money.

how much does nutrisystem cost

Image Source: Nutrisystem

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Plan Options

How much does Nutrisystem cost per week? How much does Nutrisystem cost per month? How much does Nutrisystem cost in general?

The Nutrisystem cost can vary depending on which of the numerous plans you choose. Nutrisystem prices will range from $9.82 to $11.96 per day for their three most popular choices (basic, core, and uniquely yours). Even their vegetarian option will fall into this same price category at $11.96 per day.

  • Basic: How much does Nutrisystem cost per month at a minimum? The basic plan, with Nutrisystem’s pre-selected favorites included, comes to $274.99 every four weeks. If you are more interested in being able to choose your own foods, you can customize your menu for an additional $19.99 each month. At this point, it is generally recommended to upgrade to the core plan. The Nutrisystem cost includes your FedEx shipping and use of their online tracking tools apps.
  • Core: The Nutrisystem monthly cost for their most popular choice, the core plan, is $294.99. In addition to the features included in the basic plan, the Nutrisystem cost per month for the core plan also includes the ability to select your own meals at no additional cost. Perhaps the biggest benefit to upgrading to the core plan and having the slightly higher Nutrisystem cost is the access to their counselors and dietitians who are available to answer your questions.

  • Uniquely Yours: How much does Nutrisystem cost at the highest end? The Nutrisystem prices are highest for their top-rated uniquely yours program, priced at $334.99 per month. Still receiving all the benefits from the core plan, the uniquely yours program also gives you access to their biggest selection of foods, including frozen options. For the same price as the uniquely yours, vegetarians can opt for their own version of this plan.

Each of the three plans can also be selected for individuals suffering from type 2 diabetes interested in weight loss. The cost of Nutrisystem per month is the same for the diabetic options as it is for the basic, core, and uniquely yours programs. However, this category promises to promote weight loss and stabilize blood sugar with their frozen and shelf-stable food options.

Not sure if you’ll like the food enough to pay for a full month? While you do pay on a monthly basis, the cost of Nutrisystem per month could be refunded to you with their fourteen-day, money back guarantee. On your first order, if you don’t like the food or aren’t satisfied with the program, you can send the remaining food back to Nutrisystem for a full refund. You’ll receive your money back, minus the cost of shipping.

Nutrisystem Cost Breakdown

Now that you can accurately assess how much Nutrisystem is, it’s time to take a closer look at how those numbers compare with the cost of your average grocery shopping. In order to make the comparison easier, we will help you to answer the question, how much does Nutrisystem cost per week? Since the company itself only advertises pricing in days and months, we will answer: How much does Nutrisystem cost per week? and How much does Nutrisystem cost per month? See the detailed breakdown in the below chart:

Nutrisystem Cost & Pricing Breakdown

Nutrisystem Plan

Price per Day

Uniquely Yours$11.96

Nutrisystem Plan

Price per Week

Uniquely Yours$83.74

Nutrisystem Plan

Price per Month

Uniquely Yours$334.99

Keep in mind that the Nutrisystem prices in this chart do not include the cost of the additional fresh foods you will need to purchase from the grocery store.

In a recent survey from Gallup, it was discovered that the average American spent approximately $151 each week on food. Compared to the Nutrisystem prices, which are half the cost of what the mean spending of American consumers is, it seems that you are getting a great value for prepackaged food to help you kickstart your weight loss program.

Even factoring in the fresh food you will need to purchase to supplement the meals, the Nutrisystem cost is likely still less than the average expenditure.

Another important thing to note is that the Nutrisystem cost per month plans for you to consume all your meals at home. You are saving additional expenses by opting out of expensive restaurants and fast food stops each month.

how much is nutrisystem

Image Source: Nutrisystem

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How Much Is Nutrisystem Versus Competitors?

How much does Nutrisystem cost per pound? One writer aimed to discover the actual Nutrisystem prices per pound you should lose when compared to their Nutrisystem cost per month. They figured that it would take, on average, approximately five months for one person to lose twenty pounds on any of three dieting programs: Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, and Weight Watchers.

She found that Weight Watchers would cost you $86 per pound, Jenny Craig would set you back $163 per pound, and Nutrisystem prices would hit right in the middle at $120 per pound.

Now, those numbers should account for the fact that Nutrisystem does offer far more convenience than the Weight Watchers program does. In the Weight Watchers scenario in this review, each person was responsible for purchasing and preparing their own food.

The cost of that food was based off the roughly $10 per person per day average set out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. You might learn more through the Weight Watchers classes immediately, but if you are looking for quick and easy application, Nutrisystem can do the work for you.

Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem were the most similar of the three programs, both offering similar convenience levels when it comes to prepackaged, proportioned meals and meal replacements. The Nutrisystem cost came in much less than the Jenny Craig study at a difference of almost $43 per pound.

On the whole, the Nutrisystem monthly cost fell on the low end of the pricing spectrum when compared to the pricing of its competitors. For a well-known weight loss program featuring the convenience of frozen and shelf-stable meals already created for you, the Nutrisystem monthly cost could be viewed as a great deal.

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How much does Nutrisystem cost? Diet programs have the potential to cost significantly more than your average grocery expenditure, but the Nutrisystem cost seems to be right in line with the average amount you would spend on food each week.

Even compared to other weight loss programs with similar and differing mentalities on the most effective strategies for weight loss, the cost of Nutrisystem per month and per pound falls right in line with competitors, if not slightly below.

If you have been wondering, How much is Nutrisystem?, now might be a great opportunity to give it a shot. Knowing that the food isn’t overpriced, even in the realm of weight loss programs, makes this program a great option for someone looking for convenience, healthy food choices, and the low Nutrisystem cost per month.

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