Everything You Need to Know about the Qapital App

Have you ever wished you could save money just by living life? The Qapital app is a popular save money app that aims to do just that.

With the motto “Save small, live large,” they have a big promise to fulfill, and a customer base eager for them to deliver.

We’ve combed through both professional and consumer Qapital reviews to see if the Qapital 2017 software lives up to its claims.

By taking a close look at both the Qapital app and independent Qapital reviews, our Qapital review will provide an in-depth analysis of the best benefits of Qapital 2017 software.

Qapital Review

Qapital, Inc. is a financial app developer that came out of Sweden and gears its savings products at millennials.

The ultimate goal of the Qapital app is to help customers save money, using mobile technology to change their spending and saving habits.

The Qapital app is a free save money app that works with any bank. The developers of the app seek to integrate behavioral science with technology by helping people save money based on a system of Rules and Goals.

Users decide for themselves which Rules they want to have in place, and once a Rule is triggered, money is transferred from a linked checking account to a Qapital account to fund a Goal.

This system of Rules and Goals is the foundation of how users can apply this app to save money and start building a financial future.

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Qapital Review: Rules & Goals

After you download the Qapital app, you’re asked to set a Goal. The Goal can be one of their pre-selected Goals, or you can make one or more Goals of your own.

You then choose a picture to associate with your Goal as a reminder what you’re saving toward.

Next, you list a dollar amount you need to reach your Goal and decide what kind of Rules you want to apply toward the app to save money.

Rules are events that trigger the Qapital app to transfer money from your linked account to your Qapital account.

According to Qapital, the Roundup Rule is the most popular. This Rule helps the average user save $44 a month by rounding up the change each time a purchase is made with a card linked to the Qapital app.

The user pre-selects how much they want each purchase rounded up, making Qapital 2017 a fully customizable app.

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Additional Qapital App Rules

When it comes to making rules in the Qapital app, the possibilities are nearly limitless.

Those who are interested in downloading the Qapital 2017 software will find that these additional rules provide unique customization. 

Not only do the rules in this save money app allow for customized savings, but they also seek to make the process of saving into a fun, interactive process. Additional Qapital app rules include:

Guilty Pleasure Rule

This rule saves money to your savings if you spend on a guilty pleasure.

For example, if you know you overspend at restaurants, you can set a Qapital app Rule that saves $10 to your Qapital account every time you eat at a particular restaurant.

Spend Less Rule

With this rule, the Qapital app sends a remaining balance to your account when you come in under budget on a specific expense.

Let’s say you planned to spend $100 on groceries but instead spent $85; the $15 you saved will go toward your Qapital Goal.

Set & Forget

This hands-off Rule transfers money on a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule that you determine using the Qapital app.

The If This, Then Save Rule

As the most unique section of this save money app, this rule links up with IFTTT, which stands for “If This, Then That.”

When paired with the Qapital app, IFTTT has the ability to turn almost any activity into a savings event. For example, every time you achieve your daily step goal, money is transferred to your Qapital Goal.

You can save when you get enough sleep, save based on social media and hashtag use, and you can even save based on the weather, making it one of the best apps to save money through fun, customizable guidelines.

The Qapital app keeps track of the amount you’ve accumulated through the triggering of Rules and automatically sends the money to your FDIC-insured Qapital account twice a week.

When you’re ready to withdraw from a particular Goal, you simply make a transfer back to your bank account. 

Qapital Review: Requirements

Users must be 18 or older and have a checking account. Credit cards and savings accounts are not allowed because funding sources must have both account and routing numbers.

The Qapital app makes transfers twice per week—a minimum of eight times per month—which exceeds the limits for most savings accounts.

In this way, the Qapital 2017 app is a great way to maximize savings in a shorter period of time.

Qapital Review: Cost

Since the Qapital app is free, some people wonder if there’s a hidden cost. Luckily, the answer is no. Despite all its features, Qapital 2017 software is available free of charge.

There are no setup fees, monthly or annual fees, and no minimum balance.

They make money by earning interest on the savings they hold, the way traditional banks do.

Though they aren’t a bank, the money saved with Qapital is held at Wells Fargo and is FDIC-insured up to $250,000.

Qapital Review: Website

Though the Qapital app is only available on mobile devices, our Qapital review found that their website is packed with information.

They have user-friendly descriptions on how the app works, a comprehensive FAQ page, and even a blog.  

Because most users will find everything they need inside the Qapital app, the website is geared toward those who are still considering whether or not to download.

Qapital is also active on social media, attracting users on Twitter and Facebook.

Qapital App Reviews from Experts

The Qapital app, which first became available for iPhone users in March 2015 and in early 2016 for Android users, has been lauded by professional critics and customers alike.

Qapital Review

Photo Courtesy: Qapital Review

Positive Feedback for Qapital 2017

Though each professional Qapital review is different, expert Qapital reviews all share some common thoughts about the save money app. A few of these include:

  • Ease of use
  • Smart design
  • Integration of lifestyle with financial goals
  • Game-like quality that appeals to younger users

The integration of lifestyle choices with financial goals is a big point of difference between the Qapital app and other apps to save money. 

What truly sets the Qapital app apart from other apps to save money—and what generates so many positive Qapital reviews—is the app’s innate ability to make saving money fun.

Because you can save based on whether your favorite team scores a touchdown or how many miles you jog, Qapital 2017 software starts to feel like a game instead of a chore.

Negative Feedback for Qapital 2017

Just as there are positive elements that are commonly pointed out in Qapital reviews, there are also a few drawbacks that are commonly associated with the Qapital app.

These drawbacks include

  • Requiring a checking account to fund the Goals
  • Users must share checking account IDs & passwords
  • Inability to disperse funds to multiple accounts
  • No phone availability for customer service

Not having customer service available by phone appears to be a deliberate choice made by Qapital.

On their website, they state their customer support representatives are available via the Qapital app chat feature or by email, with a promise that it is “truly the best way to get in touch.”

Considering their target customers are millennials who are generally comfortable using smartphones, this move by Qapital makes sense.

However, it’s likely a turn-off to the older user who enjoys the other features, but who may be more comfortable talking to a live person on the phone.

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Qapital App Reviews from Users

It’s one thing to read Qapital app reviews written by critics and another to see what real, day-to-day users have to say.

Qapital 2017 software is getting great feedback from its users. Google Play users rate the Qapital app with 4.3 stars, and iTunes users give it 4.5 stars.

Despite each Qapital review being different, many share similar comments.

Positive Feedback from Qapital App Users

When it comes to positive feedback for the Qapital app, there are common features that both iOS and Android users appreciate.

Our Qapital app review found that Qapital app users have applauded the following features:

  • Set and forget
  • Easy to implement
  • Painless
  • Fun to use, almost like a game
  • Excellent customer support
  • Overdraft protection

Ironically, the overdraft protection offered through the Qapital app is favored by some users and disliked by others.

The Qapital 2017 software checks the balance in your account before it makes the transfer. If your checking account balance will be less than $100 after the transfer, the transaction is canceled.

Users who dislike the overdraft protection claim that the balance detected by the Qapital app is not necessarily real-time, and therefore might show less than the $100 required to make the transfer, when in fact there is enough money in the account.

Other Qapital reviews contend the $100 threshold is too high for someone who maintains a low balance on purpose.

Most users claim that customer support, though only available through the in-app chat or email, is excellent and has fast response times.

The website notes that support is not available on Saturdays and Sundays, but the Qapital app reviews do not reflect this as a problem.

Negative Feedback from Qapital App Users

When it comes to negative feedback for the Qapital app, there are common features that both iOS and Android users seem to dislike.

Our Qapital review found that users of Qapital 2017 have reacted negatively to the following features:

  • Glitches
  • App not supported on rooted devices
  • Overdraft protection

Techie users who like to root their phones are dismayed that the Qapital app is not compatible with their devices.

According to the responses from Qapital, rooted devices are not supported because of security requirements by their partners who supply them with bank data.

The app requires users to log in with their bank ID and password, and on rooted devices, there is no guarantee that the sensitive information won’t be compromised.

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Is the Qapital App for Me?

Though the Qapital app is marketed toward millennials, the ease of use makes it a good fit for people of any age who:

  • Have a strong desire to save
  • Are at least 18 & have a checking account
  • Need an easy-to-use app to save money
  • Don’t want to micromanage their savings
  • Keep more than $100 in their account at all times
  • Don’t have a rooted device
  • Are motivated through positive reinforcement

If you need an app that helps you budget, monitor spending, or fund investments, then you’ll need to keep looking. Also, if you’re someone who prefers talking to customer service on the phone, the Qapital app might not be your best option.

Conclusion: One Last Look at Qapital 2017 Software

While there are certainly more sophisticated apps out there for tracking spending and savings, the Qapital app has capitalized on its appeal to younger users by integrating finances with social media and personal goals.

Qapital has reinvigorated the process of saving, creating a fun and interesting way to motivate people to put aside more money.

So, at the end of our Qapital review, what is Qapital, really? 

Simply put, it’s one of the most innovative budgeting apps to save money. Downloading the Qapital app just might revolutionize the way you save for your dream vacation or stash money away for a rainy day.

With the fusion of behavior and technology, the Qapital app has carved a niche for itself in the marketplace.

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